Tuesday, January 20, 2009


here they are folks...The President of the Unites States of America, Barack Obama and his lovely wife the First Lady Michelle Obama. Long may they reign. Don't it make you all warm and tosty inside?
Does me...


  1. Yes it does me. They look gorgeous and happy and not at all pretentious. Lets pray that they do not change at all. Happy times ahead lets hope for everyone!

  2. Oh I am soooo happy. I have been waiting for you to post on this historic day.

  3. May God watch of them and us the next four year. Well I am hopeful today only time will tell.

  4. This was a perfect day from start to finish. For the first time in many years, I believe there's hope for this country.

  5. These pictures are fantastic!..
    I'm feelin' all kinds of warm and toasty having a vibrant young family in the White House.

  6. Spent the day in elated sobbing - what a way to spend a day! Offered Bush a final salute of the one-finger variety and now he's in the past (even if some of his stench remains).

    Onward and upward!

  7. I think I'm developing an allergy. My peepers have been leaking every so often for the last day or so. Maybe its eye strain from watching a real couple and for that matter a real family being the focus of the media leaches. I think I finally understand why most celebrities can't get any privacy.
    You can tell Michelle hates the pageantry though. She is a high powered lawyer after all.
    I love how the youngest gave dad a thumbs up at the end of his speech. He has some smart kids.

  8. congrats on your new prez

    long may he run.

  9. lily:they just have this air of 'love' about them...makes me feel happy.
    sage:so happy im still grinning and did 2 posts.haha
    john;he and us need all the help we can get and give.
    jobs:like i said..im still grinning.
    sling:aren't they great pictures? they look so..in love and happy ..and young and well, perfect.
    Pom:me too..I'd laugh then cry and then start laughing all over again.was just a fantastic day for everyone.
    nitty:you could tell she wanted to go home to the white house and have some serious' one on one' in the bedroom. ha..those girls are just something else..i am crazy about that little one..you weren't the only one with leaky peepers..
    billy:maybe someday you'll get a prime miinster like our president..wouldnt' that be wonderful.
    lic: i was going to put more, but thought these were the best.i watched it till 2am and then finally fell into bed with a big ole sappy grin on my face.

  10. Love love love your blog! Found you through the six word blog!

  11. As Michelle said; for the first time in a long time I am proud to be an american.

  12. They are so real and so in love. It makes me so happy to see such a smart man!

  13. Fantastic pictures. Let's hope they can stay as happy as they look here.

  14. It's just a shame the Cowboys aren't going to the Super Bowl.

  15. caroline:thanks for stopping by..if you found me on 6 word blog you should check out her other blog, you would really like it..it's godsrbored.blgospot.com
    raspootin:ain't that the truth.
    yankeegirl:you know there are some things you can fake..and that is somthing you can't..it's so real it makes my heart hurt.
    jan:oh really, hope they are always this happy.
    tex:long may she rule.
    woozie:even that can't bring me down. but talk about icing on the fucking cake!

  16. A beautiful couple for sure. It's good that Bush is gone, period, but it's especially good that his successor is a million times better.

  17. It's going to be a wonderful four years, but we will have our work cut out for us in 2012. Must. Stop. Palin.

    For the time being though I'm just going to live in the moment. Michelle is awesome.

  18. Serious swoon material, both of them! I think I have a crush on the first couple!

  19. It makes me cry when I see those two together, the love is just so palpable.

    I just got all caught up on your blogs, love the LOLCATS!!

    I think Sharon Gless should play you in the movie of your life...

    I'm glad you're not working but you've been blogging like a hot damn so it took me a bit to catch up!

  20. Get over it, yes it great that the glass ceiling is broke, move on. Pres Obama is swimming up a waterfall made by Demorcrates and Republicans. Stop blaming Bush. Your personally developed a hatred for 1 man and blame all your problems on him and think Pres. BO will fix your woes.. Wake up!!! They are about ready to spend your grandkids money.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....