Tuesday, February 24, 2009


this looks just like my cat chuck.

Groucho the Cat.

I love this one.Dogs really can smile.

I have this exact picture in my kitchen.


  1. Those are all very good..I love all that stuff ..it makes me happy inside.

  2. Thanks for the treat... I so wanted that poor little kitten in the cage but if I did that Laurent would have to go. Hmmm sweet kitty.. Laurent? Sweet kitty... Laurent? Decisions, decisions.

  3. I swear to whatever may be sworn to, I've laughed till I hurt myself this time.

    Mud-faced dog. OMG Mud-faced dog.

  4. The cat in the snow had me in stitches. If a cat ever gave me that look, I'd investigate changing my identity.

  5. love them all...every single one....well, maybe not the mud face so much, but all of the rest.

  6. Oh, that last one cracks me up!! Love it

  7. YDG, I gave you an award. Come and Get It.

  8. I think I laughed so hard that I peed my pants. :) Good stuff here!

  9. These are great! Where do you find them all???

  10. Must be Monday.
    That one cracked me up.
    I have to tell that last one that I have pooped outside and it's not all it's cracked up to be.
    Had a scary day. May post about it tonight.

  11. Too funny, 'tell your drunk friends to go home', made me laugh out loud. Loved them!

  12. sage:there is nothing like giving animals thoughts..
    ted:yupper...far out!
    willym:I loved the sweet kitty..
    buzzard:i think this batch is one of my favorite batches..i loved the it's gotta be monday too.
    jan:i get that look from annie and she's never been in the snow.or mud..
    rosemary:i love the mud faced one...so cute.
    rudegirl:pooping outside...a big deal ha...
    pen:oh thank you very much..now to figure out how to add it to myside bar.
    justkim:there is just something so silly about the expressions on the animals..and the genius behind the captions..
    zen:the ones that are the dogs and cats come from 2 different websites.
    the cat ones ususally come from:icanhascheezburger.com
    and the dog ones usually come from :
    some I find on stumbles but mostly they are the cartoon ones...
    nitty:i'll be right over to check it out..miss you.
    tex:i bet bob would make a good subject for some pictures and we could all put captions on them..ha
    daisy:me too..the groucho cat was pretty funny.
    lily:i couldn't get over how much he looked like my old cat chuck...i've seen that same expression on his face when the granddaughters were little and sort of terrorized him..

  13. The mud faced dog sleighed me!

  14. I loved all of them!

    and yes, dogs CAN smile! ;-)

  15. i know just how that monday dog feels.

  16. Great stuff! Must be monday!!!!love it( glad it's the the dog n not me!)-Willyo. PS put a link to your blog from mine, Maybe can reciprocate?-any way, thanks for the laffs-Willyo.

  17. I so, so needed that laugh! Thanks!

  18. Hehehe LOVE these :)

  19. I got that Chat Noir picture too, mine is white background. Right now it's not on the wall tho. ;)

  20. LMAO!

    I had to print out the one of the underwhelmed bulldog getting ready for a walk!



thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....