Sunday, February 01, 2009


The Associated Press
Vatican City--An Austrian pastor who has been quoted as calling Hurricane Katrina God's punishment for sin in New Orleans is being promoted to the rank of Bishop.(what the fuck?.....come on Pope Benny, you reward that kind of thinking with a Bishop's Robe?)
the Vatican announced Saturday that Pope Benedict XVI has tapped the Rev. Gerhard Wagner, 54, to be auxiliary bishop in Linz, Austria. It made no mention of the Katrina remarks.(NO SHIT!)
This is the second time in two weeks that the pope has honored a controversial church leader. He recently welcomed back into the Catholic Church a bishop whose renegade theology had led to his excommunication by Pope John Paul II.
That bishop, the British-born Richard Williamson, said shortly before his rehabilitation that he did not believe the Nazis killed Jews in gas chambers during World War II. the pope disavowed those remarks, which Williamson has since called "imprudent." (ya think? dumb assholes.)
Wagner has served since 1988 as pastor of a church in the Austrian town of Windischgarsten and received a doctorate in theology from the prestigious Gregorian Pontifical University in Rome, the Vatican said.(did he learn that kind of thinking there?)
In 2005, Wagner was quoted in a parish newsletter as saying that he was convinced that the death and destruction of Hurricane Katrina that year was "divine retribution" for New Orleans' tolerance of homosexuals and laid-back sexual attitudes.(Judas priest, I'm so sick and tired of that kind of thinking...and why he still gets a promotion out of the deal is just another reason why I have no regrets for leaving the Catholic Church.)
Kath.Net, a Catholic news agency in Austria, said the newsletter quoted Wagner as saying that Katrina destroyed not only nightclubs and brothels in New Orleans, bu also abortion clinics.(along with hospitals, churches, schools, and homes)
"The conditions of immorality in this city are indescribable," Wagner was quoted as saying....Well Bishop Gerhard Wagner, you can kiss my pagan ass and there will be redemption for you too, you buttroy.

PS....I had Arizona and 7 points.


  1. A great context for buttroy.

    I predicted Steelers 21, Cardinals 10 in our pool to see who could have the closest score. I lost.

  2. Like my Sainted Grandma used to say,.'It's not whether you win,or lose,'s the point spread!'
    Woo Hoo!

  3. You can take the boy out of the Hitler Youth but you can't take the Hitler Youth out of the boy - and I mean that in every deviant sense you could possibly take it in.

  4. They are not rational, if they were would they believe a space-ghost created the universe and looks down (literally and figuratively)on all of us?????

  5. Not to mention "they" conveniently "forgot" that "God" supposedly said after the "alledge" flood that Noah rode out with a pair of every speices of animal - that "He" would "never" send a flood again.

    Karl Marx was pretty right on when he said religion is the opium of the masses - if not about other things (but the jury is still out on that).

  6. the vatican is managed for profit.

    gerhard probably keeps in crew in line and is a good earner.

  7. I read that article... and remember when Wagner said it.

    The Catholic Church needs to be taxed; then perhaps they would realize they are in the 21st century not living in bubble dark ages land.

    I think we need to move Southern Decadence to a WINTER month instead of the most active week in hurricane season; if a big hurricane hits the city in umm lets say February well then maybe the bishop has a remote bit of supernatural guidence on his side.

  8. Even after I left the Catholic church I continued to have respect for John Paul II. I do not have any respect for the new Pope at all.

    I am so glad to no longer be a member of the faith.

  9. Has he ever been to New Orleans? It's really not that bad, at least I didn't think it was.

  10. *holds temples with left hand, lets out long, disgusted sigh*

    Don't even get me started on this...I'll be ranting for a month.
    Hell, I thought only the Dead-fish were Funny-mentalists.

  11. I get it:
    The Vatican is like the Bush Administration because

  12. Great post title and it says it all really. Shame the Pope cant be voted out of office. Its embarassing and I am a Catholic. A lapsed one at that but one nonetheless. Dont hold it against me.....

  13. This just goes to show you there are alot of screwed up 'religious' people. Glad I keep my praying to myself. I would hate to support a church or group with such delusional beliefs. And...hope you are continuing to feel better. :-)


  14. Isn't there some way we can bring JPII back from the dead? Don't the Haitians know how to do that stuff? We need to find out...

  15. It must be all those brothels up there at the North Pole that are causing the ice cap to melt.

    Right, Pope Rat?

    So tired of the feckin Steelers. Soooo verrrry tirrrrrreeeed.

  16. I know Anne, it sucks...Though it could've been worse: The fracking Eagles could have won the Championship and the SB.
    That would have REALLY sucked.

  17. The Catholic church is the immoral disgrace.

    Just sayin'.

  18. Nice to know you all are in agreement with of these days im going to do one of my rants and every one is going to go 'what? are you nuts?...that's bullshit.'hahaha

  19. Why do you think I "lovingly" *ahem* refer to it as the Roman Catholic cult?
    Don't take that the wrong way, just don't drink the kool-aid either!


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