Saturday, February 28, 2009


Yafta is one of my favorite comes from when my kids were little and when they wanted me to do something they would always say 'you have to'...but it always came out yafta, as in "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM...yafta take me to the movies." "MOOOOM yafta let me go out with my friends."...
So...yafta go to this website and visit my friend Kevin. Yafta.
"WHY" say?....because I said so dammit.. and because he's smart, funny, makes up great words like fantesticle, blorg(blog), and many many more. His blog is funny, nasty, mean, retarded(if you think the word retarded is a mean spirited word, you might be right...but in the context that it is used on Kevin's blog it is meant to cover all us jackasses that do stupid, unhip things...I am Texatard. His blorg makes you think, and gives you something to talk about besides politics. Although you will love it when he does get started on politics..For you see, my friend Kevin and his partner R. of 20 years(yes, 20 fucking years) are parents of 4 of the most terrific kids you have ever seen. 4 kids that no one wanted, because they had been abused in every horrible way you can imagine..No 'straight, heterosexual baby saving Republican Christian wanted them because they weren't sweet rosy faced little precious babies...But these 2 terrific people that are treated like second classed citizens, didn't care...they saw the need and had the they adopted them..Not even all at once..Adopted 2 and then found out they had another brother and a sister and took them too. But because they are second classed citizens, only one of their names are on the birth's that for justice...Anyhow...(steps down off the soap box) you must check out my friends blog...stop in...say howdy...leave a comment...tell him Jackie sent you...come back for some more'll be glad you did...
While your out can also stop by and visit my friend Tex.
He doesn't believe in Global warming, but does believe in legalizing marijuana, and that the Bushes had something to do with 9-11...He's also smart and very funny...unfortunately...he's straight(he is from Oklahoma) but he's like me...straight but not narrow...drop by and say howdy to him for me too....
This isn't a request.............this is a fucking order...please..
speaking of marijuana..when my kids were little...they used to play "narks and heads"..instead of cowboys and Indians..


  1. Took 20 minutes to get to this comment screen, so just between you, me and whatever DHS cocksucker is reading my hard-drive right now, I wholly concur about casadr.
    Been going there since you told us about the kids last time, and it's been a real learning experience.
    Sent Kevin some job-search info to help Ron out.

  2. Yep. Love Kevin's blo(r)g. Love the random ramblings. :o)

    Legalize marijuana? Got my vote!

  3. ted:how sweet of you..I'd love to see Ron get a good job with lots of benefits so maybe kev could stay home with the kids..
    Pom:then you must comment..he thrives on comments and the more people reading and commenting the better he gets...and you both will love tex..he's my bud.

  4. Thats what we are all here for, fun and to learn. Anything less than that and I'll blow my computer away with my 9mm.

  5. ...known tex since he was kneehigh to a fencepost, that sumbitch could piss half way across the Mississippi River and he could eat nails and shit thumbtacks, mean bastard...

  6. ...not really mean, just Clint Wayne oe John Eastwood, I get confused,.. he is a cool dude that owns a dog that could eat your town...

  7. rainy:you'd love tex..he always posts the most interesting videos and you should meet bob..bob is the best looking male pitty bulldog around..ruby over at the is the prettiest female pitty bull dog.
    sooner:quit using my posts to send love letters to tex..but your 100percent correct...and bob's a beaut.

  8. LMAO at playing narcs and heads! That's priceless.

    I've tagged you for a meme at my place. Enjoy!

  9. Narcs and Heads? OH MY GOD, that's awesome!

    I love Kevin. He is my favorite retard. I'll have to check out your friend Tex too!

  10. i'm guessing the heads were the good guys and the narcs were the pricks.

  11. Hi Jackie! I was surprised to see my blog mentioned here, but thanks.
    I've been a little busy at the cookie factory lately, been neglecting my blog a bit.
    When I was a kid we would have played Cowboys & Indians but everyone wanted to be an Indian, maybe that's because I was on an Indian reservation. Narcs & Heads!?!?

  12. buzard:i think they made the game up their selves..i over heard them one day..tom said to david:ok, long hair your busted..put down the weed. and thom said:too late pig I already ate it.
    then once David said:drop the dope longhair, and thom said:hahahahaha I already dropped it pig.
    they called the game narks and heads but called each other pig and longhair. both of them had hair to their shoulders and wore indian head bands.they were about 3-4
    rox:yup we love our kev.and you'll love tex too.
    they also sang a song:
    to the tune of frere jacqua
    billy:yup, they would play rock, paper scissors to see who would play the pig.
    tex:well i just think more people should read have a great blog.
    I'm surprised more kids did'nt play the game..but maybe they made it up?
    they played cowboys and indians too...but i think it was more like john wayne and tonto.

  13. Geez, you should get a job writing advertising copy. I went. ihadda.

    Legalize pot. California's largest cash crop.

  14. "narcs and head"???? hahahahaha!!!!

  15. Narcs and Head - no wonder I feel so akin to you. Blessings...


  16. Oh Jackie! Thank your for the cyber bip on the side of my head. I am over it... I had a moment...needed to get the shit off my chest. You're the best reality check ever! Big kisses!

  17. I'm doing OK. Just not very social for some reason lately.
    Kevin's place has always been good and I don't visit nearly as often as I should.

  18. One thousand seven hundred and ninety three ancient Chinese blessings to you.

    May your children always worship at the throne of the porcelain god.

    You are a beautiful person.

    Visitors must send me money.

  19. I went over to Kevins blog - and it took me hours to get back here - too funny all the reading. Anyway, it was great - thanks for tip.

  20. I have given you an award. Come by and check it out :)

  21. That is nice what you said about the retard..I am always waiting for his next post

  22. LOL, narcs and heads! Awesomeness must truly be a genetic trait passed between generations.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to