Wednesday, March 18, 2009


So far it's pretty much the same..Babs and I went to see her this am, and they had doped her up to put the IVn her to give her fluids. They don't leave it in her as she will chew it out..So they will put it in several times a day ..not feeding her or giving her anything to drink as she will get everything through the IVand this way it lets the liver rest and not have to work. There is no reason for her liver failure..just something she got..animals get it just like kidney failure. It's called hepatic amyloidosis and Siamese cats get it more often than other cats. She will stay there getting IVs for 3 more days, then they will give her another round of blood tests and see if there is any improvement. I asked what if there wasn't any improvement and he said 'then your out of luck.'....what a raging asshole..I wanted to jerk his fat ass off that stool and proceed to give him a life altering ass kicking..Only reason why I didn't is he was sewing up a cats ass as we talked and Dr. Tom my regular vet(Henrietta's son) is out of town till Monday. We have locked horns every since I had Nate(my 110 lb.pitty bull dog) and we disagreed on treatment.
It doesn't help that I was right and he was so fucking wrong.
I miss my little furry friend. She was so good when they were treating her. I guarantee the Queen of England couldn't have been as regal as Annie during all this.
Thank all of you for your good thoughts and prayers. I believe in prayer and if she pulls through I know it will be from all of your well wishes...thanks again...jackie


  1. well I probably would have punched that vet too. I hope Annie gets better fast and comes home and gets treated like the queen she is.

  2. Still at the front of my mind....

  3. What a horrible bedside manner.

    We all miss the little queen. Prayers for her.

  4. Hope she heals well and comes home very soon!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. That Vet has horrible cat ass-side manners. What an insensitive buttroy!

    My thoughts are with Annie and you, Jackie Sue. Fingers crossed too.

  7. I hope your fluffy friend comes home soon, safe and sound. And you don't have to take a second mortgage on your house to pay the vet bill, either ...

    Becky Brooks Davis

  8. Get well Annie! Sending positive furvibes.

  9. Annie has Blogaritaville's well-wishes. You too! Love you!

  10. What a horrible, rude man! :(

    Thanks for the update.....still keeping good thoughts for you and Annie. :)

  11. Waiting for news one way or the other is the worst kind of suspense! We lost three senior cats and two seniors dogs in the last twelve months, and had to play the waiting game with all of them, and it flat out sucked. Hope this turns out well for you and your Annie. She's beautiful.

  12. Dammit, I'm out of the loop for a couple of days and.............
    Good thoughts headed out for both of you.

  13. I'm praying Annie pulls through! I am outraged at how insensitive that vet was! ((((HUGS)))

  14. I echo everyone else when I say I'm praying for your Annie and hope she is back in your tender care soon.

  15. Ranger and Robert send tons of love to Annie. They're pulling for her. We love you!

  16. Not only am I praying, I will send her some Reiki (healing energy). Hang in there...

  17. Sounds like you've found the poster boy for the word Buttroy.
    Sending all my positive thoughts to help Annie get better.
    My liver started working again though I wouldn't recommend the medicine they gave me.
    Chin up tits out, damn, still doesn’t seem like I'm getting that saying right.
    I had to add Buttroy to my spell check dictionary.

  18. that vet is a total ass!! Can't believe he said that. Praying for Annie to be well soon.

  19. YDG,
    I would like to apologize to you and your readers for the comment I posted yesterday and deleted. I was watching the news and had my hand on the key board and skipped most of your blog with my hand. I would never say anything hateful in a blog about pets. I am sorry for what has happened and hope things work out.

  20. thanks to all for your love and good wishes and prayers...going to go see her as soon as babs gets here...will let you know..
    rainy...all is forgiven..didn't read it or if i did it didn't register as anything all's cool...

  21. Nothing worse than having a sweet kitty ailing in such a bad way. I'm so sad to hear about Annie! We had a kitty who was the same beautiful mixture of Siamese with creamy white fur and blue eyes with faint stripes - a gorgeous hunk of cat. He died from some kind of kidney problem - also no reason for being ill that we could find. Love and hugs and all our best kitty vibes for Annie.xoxo Terry and Bear

  22. Sending love and prayers to Annie.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to