Friday, March 20, 2009


This is where I swallow all pride and make the most heartfelt request for a friend who's going through a painful time. Most of us have been through something much like this and we know how difficult it can be. Please read on...My blogging buddy, Jacque Sue (aka YellowDogGranny), has encountered some difficulty recently. Her darling cat, Annie, has fallen very ill and has been in vet care for several days now. Annie has developed liver problems and things have been touch and go. We who adore the spunky feisty Jacque are hopeful for the return of Annie to her mama's arms and the best of health to them both. The most important thing I'd like to ask for is that you too offer some healing and positive vibes for them. However....Jacque Sue is living on a very fixed income though and deviations from her normal budget can be burdensome and worrisome to say the least. Jacque Sue and Annie have lived a quite contented life together in Texas with Annie ruling as any queen should. Ideally, Jacque Sue would just be able to focus on Annie's healing and bringing her home from the vet where they can love one another up. This is where we can help out....And so, the other request that I'm making, for those who can help on the financial side of things, is to make a secure and private donation via In order to send her money (and believe me, any amount will help - no amount too small - with vet bills and the special diet Annie will need to be on for the rest of her life), just enter Jacque's email address - - and the amount you can send and the money will be sent to her immediately. As a friend and animal lover I'm asking that you do what you can to help ease their worries and don't forget that positive healing energy too! And please spread the word! Thank you and may you be blessed,Jamie/Pom(PAY PAL BUTTON on the top right)

This was done by my blogging buddy and facebook pal Jamie. I am at a loss for words to express how much this means to me. I don't think in a million years I could ask for help, but I asked Babs and she said I should let her do it with my blessings. So I am. thanks so much...Jackie
I checked on Annie today and she seemed much better, but the vet said that didn't mean much. The only thing that would tell us anything is the blood results tomorrow. He said for me to call about 10:30 and he should have the results by then. If they are only down by half then he said we had to make tough decisions. To do more of the same and hope for better results or put her down. I'm not for giving up. But like I said..I'll know more tomorrow. If she does come home tomorrow she will have to eat Science Diet Cat food only..the LD FELINE type. eek..! anyhow I'll know more how she is doing tomorrow and will let you all know...


  1. I have been in your shoes and I would do the same thing. I hope the best for you and Annie...big HUG

  2. I hope her Majesty has a restful evening and comes home to you very soon.

    And Jamie did the right thing by the way. You get back what you cast forth and all that after all. Goddess bless you.

  3. Oh that donate button is ideal! I'll add one to my blog as well. The more people that can help out the less strain there is on any one person.

    Big Hugs!

  4. to all of heart is full of love for you all.
    can't express to you how much this means to're all in the will.

  5. (((((jac))))))

    sending healing energy and positive thoughts

  6. Annie's a fighter - just like her mama!

  7. Been there myself with veterinary bills. Happy to help anyway I can.

  8. soon as I get the bill for my car, Annie is my next project.

    You are definitely in my thoughts Jackie, and Miss Queen Annie as well.

    Much love. W

  9. again, thanks to all of you for your best wishes, good thougths, and prayers. espceically for the make me all weepy...

  10. Amen, YG:
    You fight to the end - bitter or glorious - for those you love and what you believe in.
    We stand with you.

  11. I'm so glad you let Jamie do this for you. I know so many friends will want to help.


  12. God bless your friend who did this for you. How wonderful! Pets are such an important part of a person's life, they shouldn't have to make decisions based on money.

  13. Oh Jackie... this was so warm and beautifully written.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to