Sunday, May 10, 2009


Kolaches..The one on the left is a Czech Stop Kolache..the big sucker on the right is a Gerik's Ole Czech Smokehouse Bakery. The one with the killer kolaches and rolls...

This is the baby one from Czech Stop.

This is the one from Gerik's ole Czech's like twice the size..

These are the rolls. They are humungus...Chocolate chip rolls, carrot cake, lemon, pecan caramel, every kind you can think of ...The girl working there was afraid you wouldn't be able to see them in the case so she brought out a tray for me to take a better picture..making sure she was kept out as she said her hair was a mess..It wasn't...I'll talk them into posing next time.

One of these will make my blood sugar go up to 298...I know because I ate one to find out.

I'm getting hungry just looking at the pictures of them..sigh*

Annie giving me the 'I'm fixing to pee on you deal with it." look...

Annie in her diaper..and she pissed.

You wanna know about cruel intent? I have a tootsie pop poop for you..

She likes my hat box..

this is one of 2 liquor stores in West. The other is fancy smancy brick and glass..This place is ran by David Pareya..the Judge..I shit you not. I like him...he's a good guy..When I drank I used to keep help send his wife to Vegas 3 times a year.

This is one of the older buildings in town. It's empty now but it used to be the 'black bar'...Way back when I used to drink I had more than a few beers in there..why? The beer was the coldest beer in town..and I used to go in there to see Risky..His wife Mary used to read my cards and wouldn't take money for the readings but would take Big Reds..So I would always take her a bunch of Big Reds and she also made me promise not to tell the 'other white ladies' as she didn't want them coming to her house...I named a black cat after Risky and he loved telling every one there were 2 black cats in town called Risky..

This is the old movie theater that is going to be remodeled into a theater..I'm hoping they will make a dinner theater out of it.

Czech American Restaurant next to the old theater. On the far left corner is Nemecek's Meat Market.

Another shot of the theater..

Flowers and Things shop is one of 2 flower shops in West. Used to be Bush's Grocery Store and had old wooden floors that squeaked when you walked on you could get cold Dublin Dr Pepper out of the old soda machines that had the glass top and you put in the money and then slid the bottle out of a slot..I miss that.

Sulak's Restaurant next to the other drug store West Drug. I have been in West Drug 2 times ..Both to pick up scrips for someone else. I heart's my Old Corner Drug Store and my main man...Kirk.

Point West Bank and Trust..My bank..

Annie giving me the fish eye..

My garden pots and flowers which were just the prettiest color. See under the tree where my nasturcians are growing..? My favorite flower to grow..nothing kills them.

The entrance to the Apts.

Some of the courntry side around West. Right off I-35

Tokio Road going toward West.

Frontage road south to the apts.

Can't tell..but my favorite color...skyblue pink.

This is a new business..Babs and I haven't tried it out yet..but we will..It's build right next to the Czech Inn..
Just a little bit of little town...


  1. those rolls look like heaven on earth.

    maybe the mexicans would stay in mexico if they had rolls like that south of the border.

  2. I thought Black Cat was a brand of linear amp!
    Mex-presso is probably pretty good: They makes a cup of coffee you could float a horseshoe in it's so fkn strong.

  3. In my next life, I want to go by the name Risky.

    I had a friend who used to read my cards all the time. I would beg and beg. I love that shit!

    Annie in her diaper almost made me bust another hernia. Shame on you!

    And the kolaches? Jaysus. Are you trying to kill me? I'm going to have to lose at least 15 lbs before coming to West, because I'll be eating those suckers and your deep fried, stuffed jalapenos the whole fricking time! *sigh*

  4. I'm so glad you put a diaper on Annie!! Those pictures of the Princess are so cute. My favorite is the one of her in the hat box.

  5. Beautiful favorite color. One of my favorites is yellow sunset on lake green. You can only see it from about 4:30 - 6:00pm looking west across a lake. I'm pretty blue skyblue pink is often there at the same time.

    These photos make me homesick.

  6. All the food pictures made me hungry...and the Annie pictures crack me up. I love the town of looks so sweet.

  7. Um, Hello! For some reason, I thought a Kolache had hot meat in it. To find it is a dessert?! ACK!!! I gained ten pounds in the first four pictures!

    The look of the land in West is very similar to the "big sky country" up here! Woohoo!

  8. billy:they are soo good..they are about 5 inches across and 3 inches thick...they make cinimmon twists and flavored ones like the rolls and kolaches..with blueberry, strawberry, caramel...there is not one thing in the place you wouldn't love...i can't think of anything that would keep them from crossing the border..ha
    ted:they make tacos, wraps, sandwiches, etc..just never think to try them out..i hate change..ha.
    buddha;she's out of the diapers but still has trouble figuring out that she is pooping..she looks like she's having a stroke and then out pops the's sad, but it still makes me laugh. gerik's kolaches will make you an early riser for sure..cause the early buyer gets the freshesh kolache..ha
    heidi:she really likes that hat box..and hates the diapers.
    pen;all my favorite colors are in a texas sunset or sunrise..
    sage:i think everyone should come to west at least once in their life..never go back to city life again..
    rox:there is a kolache with sausage..they have a different name and can never remember what it is..they also have some that have ham/cheese...ground sausage, link sausage, hot links, or eggs and cheese with jalapeno's ..all different types..
    all of them kick ass.
    yeah, we have lots of sky around here...miles and miles of texas.

  9. okay just looking at those pictures of the kolaches made me gain back 1 of those 4 kilos I've lost over the past 2 months!

    Those sky shots look so incredible - true what they say about big Texas skies!

    Annie will make you pay for those diapers!

  10. I've had two heart attacks....what the hell. There's worse ways to die than with a gut full of those rolls!!!

    I really really think it's in your best interests to quit pissing Anne off!:)

  11. I love the pictures from around town. And that Mexspresso - is it a cut-rate Starbucks or a drive thru taco parlor or what?

  12. Those rolls look good. UP on the tundra there is a restaurant that claims it is the "home of the giant sweet-roll". After 30+ yrs and several changes in ownership, I think they might have finally learned how to bake them properly. Used to be they would be doughy in the middle. It didn't make sense to get a roll that was bigger than a softball and slightly smaller than a soccer ball when the middle was raw dough!!

    In Omaha there is a fast food chain called "Runza" that sells a German thing called a runza. It's got meat and other stuff wrapped in a bread dough and then baked. They sell a bunch of them with several different fillings.

  13. willym:like asleep at the wheel sings:"miles and miles of texas...gonna live there til i die."
    yeah, life isn't going to be normal again till she forgets about the diapers.
    future:if your gonna go...'what a way to go'...
    yupper, she's big into revenge too.'
    dave:im not sure what it is..a combination of both maybe...i'll go check it out and report back..ha
    anne:come and get 'em.
    kulkuri:every now and then you will get one that isn't exactly cooked all the way thru, but it's rare..they do a really good job..and the meat kolaches are really good..

  14. I love those wide open spaces you have... I've about had it with crowds and traffic the past 4 days was nuts.

    I can see why you take those Kolaches to the state capital for bribes... they look too good to be legal.

    Annie's eyes really creep me out... LOL - I'm glad she's feeling her old cranky self though.

  15. What an awesome post! I always swore I was done with Texas when I moved out of San Angelo, but mebbe I'll have to make an exception and come down to visit you and Babs. Maybe I can pick up Nancy somewheres and we can make it a roadtrip!

  16. Woman! Plant some trees!!! That's the part of Texas I don't think I could stand for very long, the landscape that is so void of trees. Here, everything is green and woodsy as far as the eye can see...which isn't all that far because it's nowhere near as flat as TX. I remain convinced that West is where they filmed "The Last Picture Show".

    Annie in a diaper is ADORABLE! I LOL'd at that one.

  17. Great pictures of West. I make my kolaches just a little smaller like the dutch in PA. But everything is big in Texas!

  18. Wow! Those rolls look FABULOUS!

    Do they ship???? ;-)

  19. I love these little tours of West!
    I'd be hangin' out at the Judge's liquor store.
    The skyblue pink sunsets in Colorado were my most favorite.

  20. Glad to see I'm not the only one who gets pinned down by cats. The first time my two did it to me (one on each side of the blankets) I thought I was paralyzed. Gotta love them.

  21. Nice post!
    I was wondering how much my blood sugar would go up if I ate one of those rolls, thanks for the info.
    Risky's a cool name. I use to read those Tarot cards a little myself.
    I like the pics.

  22. These posts about West ROCK!
    Thanks for a gr8 idea.

  23. I'm going to have to crack that roll of faux Cinnabons today. I wonder if Mexspresso serves that tasty backbiting coffee?

  24. Those kolaches qualify as food porn. You are a cruel, cruel woman. Either that, or you really want us to visit West.

  25. What is a 'mexpresso'? Tequila and expresso? That would be dangerous.

  26. There is no such thing as a meat kolache.

    The meat ones are called Klobasniki.

    A kolache has fruit or cheese only.

    ~ J. Kolar

  27. Dang if all those pics don't make me homesick for West

  28. intenseguy:i think most of the worlds ails could be cured by a couple of kolaches..
    those eyes are the eyes of THE QUEEN...who thinks 'off with their heads is a good idea'...
    i love my little town of west..
    rocky:that would be terrific..grab nancy and come on down..
    dirtttttty loooovaaaar:yeah, it's pretty flat around here, but we do have more trees than what you see off the interstate....I'll have to show them..
    annie is glad she's out of diapers..i personally miss the laughs.
    rainy:czech stops are smaller..the ones at smokehouse are huge...i like the big'uns..they taste better too.
    bigpissy:next time i'm in i'll ask if they ship...i think they do...think the meat market next door ships sausage..
    sling:we have some great bars to hang out at too..'stricky country','wolfs', 'mynars', 'out west', and the pool room..i think we have the same amount of bars as we do churhes.
    jaanbe:or wake up thinking you've had a heart attack because you can't breathe and find out it's just the cat laying on your chest.
    tex:oh them rolls are dangerous for diabetics..the kolaches are too, but sometimes you just have to take a chance for the goodness ...ha..
    you would have loved risky..he had more ways to cadge drinks out of you than anyone i know..and the black cat risky story got him lots of free drinks.
    ted:think everyone should do a post about their hometown..big or small..
    rosemary:im thining about going today to see what they have ..i dont drink coffee but i can find out what it is..
    nan:come on down..i'll buy the first kolache...or treat you to a skunk egg.
    allan:eeewww that would takillya..ha
    justin:i know that..i can never remember the name of ill remember..where have you been?...
    juney:come back to the westfest junneybug..junneybug..

  29. Oh gosh do those rolls look good. What a sweet little town you live in...lucky to be somewhere away from the hustle and bustle. I really am a small town girl at heart!

  30. Two black cats, love it!

    That was great fun visiting your town with you. How many people live there Jackie? Its my kind of place. I came from the country and want to go back to a smaller place one day.

    You have two flower shops, do they get enough business do you think?

    Loved your feet and hope the pussycat behaved nicely.

    As for the rolls shite I put on lbs just looking at them. I love breac, buns, cake. Carbs. Oh yes. Good job I do not live there I would be dead.

    Thanks for sharing, I really loved the pics!!!

  31. caroline:i love my little town..sometimes i think i would like it more if the poplulation was 2,000 instead of 3,000 ..hah..but I love small town's like 1959 here.
    lily:both flower shops do excellent business. one is a flower shop and one is a flower/gift shop with really really expensive lovely gifts and lots of catholic/religious stuff..actually we have about 4 gift shops that sell a ton of religious stuff...
    yeah, i miss ole risky..he was good for laughs..miss the old risky cat too.

  32. Well, I can't wait til I can come and visit!!!!! I hope I can make West Fest this Labour Day!!!


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