Tuesday, May 26, 2009


Annie pretending she doesn't see me..

My lettuce..I've already made a salad out of a batch already and it just keeps on a coming.

My tomatoes..if you look really close you can see them..they are t-tiny just starting to bud.

My nasty urchins.

Margaret..she's the one that left me gasping for breath and seeing spots the first time I walked with her around the apts... She maybe 77 years old..but she's a walking fool...
Chili pictures to come...


  1. I've been planning to plant some herbs in pots but haven't gotten around to it yet. I'm always a day late

  2. Your neighbor is adorable. I like the picture of Annie too.

  3. Margaret rocks.

    Aren't you gonna get one of those upside-downy tomato hanging thingies they are advertising on tv?

  4. Your garden looks great. Annie is adorable, as is Margaret. I still remember and LOVE that story about the two of you walking around. (Had just started reading your blog at that time).

    I bought my dad one of those Topsy Turvys for Father's Day.

  5. june:no herbs for me this year...every place is already sold out..dang it.
    sage:margaret is a sweety...annie is still pissing all over and pooping all over, but i still love her.
    intenseguy:she's the one that had never voted before till i got her registered and took her to vote...lucky for her, she picked a winner..ha.
    heidi:how does your dad like the topsy turvery? im thinking about making my own ...just cut a hole in the bottom of a pot and see what happens..

  6. I wish our growing season was longer...I'd be a growing fool!


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