Tuesday, June 09, 2009


I never knew this!
Have you noticed that if you rearrange the letters in "illegal immigrants," and add just a few more letters, it spells out:

"Fuck off and go home you freeloading, benefit-grabbing, kid-producing, violent, non-English speaking cocksuckers and take those hairy-faced, sandal-wearing, bomb-making, goat-fucking, smelly rag head bastards with you."
How weird is that?


  1. I didn't know that either. Your blog is so educational!

  2. Damn, funny how word work out that way.-

  3. Oh, Jackiesue! You're rotten! I love you!

    That's fuckin' BEAUTIFUL!!!

  5. I wish the hell you'd just say what's on your mind for once, without all this fancy talk!:)

    That's quite a creative rearrangement of letters there, ole gal!:)

  6. Wow, and now I know! :)

    By the way I counted 200 additional letters.


    (rolling on the floor laughing so hard I'm crying until finally a little snot bubble forms on one nostril)


  8. rainwolf:i aim to edchakate ya's...
    jan:the wonder of words.
    billy:ahh, fuckem and their goats..
    rox:as much as i'd love to take credit for this..it was sent to me in an email and i blatently stole it and posted it here..
    galt:i have to admit..i laughed my ass off..stole it and posted it in seconds after getting it in the mail..haha
    futrue:they may not be my words..but i know ive thought the same thing many times
    intense:isn't it great what a little rearranging of letters can do?
    gaddy;my work here is done.

  9. Did you have a run in with part of America's melting pot?

  10. they say a picture is worth a thousand words; well I can see the picture you just created with just two.

  11. sage:yup, he's very funny. no more than usual...just seems like every time i turn around i read about how the hispanic population is tripling and none of them are legal..we have special classes to teach our teachers how to speak spanish when they could be using their time for more construtive things for the english speaking students. we have less money to spend because the classes are so large and mostly filled with illegal alien kids who speak little or no english and im really fucking tired of them running around texas waving their fucking flags of mexico...sigh*...i hate the way i feel..really do...but it's ugly out there folks..
    raspootin'yeah, im good at that..

  12. I'm surprised I never noticed that!

  13. ...but I really like the food. Let them stay!


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