Friday, June 26, 2009


This is Jackiesue..about 5. We lived in Oklahoma..Enid, Oklahoma to be exact. This is the 2 story house we lived in and I would stick peas in my socks, go upstairs to the bathroom and throw them out the bathroom window. Thinking I'd never be found out..Well..peas roll..and they rolled right off the roof and onto the front porch. There are a ton of pictures of me with my hands on my hips.

The Texas summer squint.

My beloved Daddy..this was taken about 2 months before I was born. See the resemblance?

Me, Daddy and the kids. Right before the trial..I was trying to smile..Daddy put up a good front for the kids.

My Mother, me and Daddy. Taken in Sunnyvalle, Texas out in the country at Big Mama and Daddy Red's place. If you look real close you can see Larry Wayne in the back ground crying. He was pissed because he couldn't be in the picture. To get even with me, he hit me in the head with a cokecola bottle.(which explains a lot of my behavior later on in life.) When I was about 7-8 I happened to over hear(ok me and Mike were listening outside the kitchen window) them tell the story about the bipping I got..So I went outside and climbed up on the chicken coop and when Larry Wayne walked by I jumped on him and beat the crap out of him with a board. Yelling 'that's what you get for hitting me with the cokecola bottle' while wacking him with the board. Of course he didn't have a clue what the hell I was going on about, he was only about 2 1/2 when it happened...but by Goddess...I'm a Scorpio...I get even.

I never paid any attention to what was on the back of the picture, until I was scanning it and my mother sent this to me and on the back had written. "Enid, Okla. You went out and had this picture made on your own and we had to pay for it."
yes, I know..........I look like Shirley Temple. The only thing I remember about this is not wanting to take off the chaps and hat and didn't want to get off that pony.

We lived in Laredo, Texas for 6-8 months..Right after coming back from Hawaii. Talk about a serious shock to my system. 3 years of 80 degree temperature and the ocean to Laredo, Texas 1950's..It was right after the international bridge between Laredo and Neuvo Laredo had been destroyed in a flood and there were still dead animals alongside the road. It was horrible. I was the only Caucasian kid in the school for 3 months, then 2 GI kids(boys) came along. Having just come back from Hawaii I had a really dark tan and very very blond hair. I was the only blond in Laredo, Texas and every where we went people wanted to touch my hair, and the girls in school always wanted to comb it during recess. Which was a good thing as it made it easier for mother to spot the lice I brought home..Laredo at the time was almost a 3rd world country. It was filthy, lots of homes had no water or electricity and my friend Modesto Modino lived in a house with no floors and it had 3 rooms. No bathroom. So she spent almost all the time at our place. There was no base housing and there were no houses to rent so we lived in a trailer park and that was horrible for me but was heaven for her. She taught me how to make home made tortillas and first time we had ever had Mexican food. Tacos and re fried beans. We thought it was the greatest thing ever. I refer to these pictures as the before tequila and after tequila. Although Daddy always had a smile on his face. That is my Daddy's Daddy, Daddy Red. He was in his 70's then. I think he stayed drunk the entire week he was there. You could buy a bottle of tequila for $2 I think...The thing I remember most about this is I had my parakeet Pete...and he could cuss like a drunken GI. What he didn't learn from Mother on a daily basis, he got from Daddy and I when we listened to the baseball games on the radio. Pete would listen to the radio on his own and could talk fluent Japanese. He would be preening and talking to himself...first a string of Japanese and then he'd scream 'sonofafuckingbitch, he dropped the ball.' He could mimic our voices perfectly.
Or my favorite(I taught him) 'fuck the yankees'...Just a barrage of Japanese and then cussing. My favorite was when he'd say "Jackiesue..godddamnit" and he sounded just like my mother. But his favorite was 'prettypete, pretttty pretty pretty prettty pretty pretty pete, fuckit.' Any how..Daddy Red had a severe hangover one morning when Pete was on a roll...and Daddy Red told Daddy..'if that damn bird calls me a sonofabitch one more time, I'm having him for breakfast.'

Asshole #1, Me, Vicki, Ruth, Daddy and Bubba. My first step mom and her 2 kids.
This was taken at Roswell, New Mexico. A-hole #1 was stationed at Walker AFB.

This was me on Asshole #2's parents farm. We had come out to help put up a new roof. That is our camper behind me. That's what we took to Canada for 6 weeks on our gold panning honeymoon. That's an entirely whole post on it's own..Like my hat?

I want you to know...I'd give my left tit to be that skinny again.


  1. i had forgotten..but in that picture of mama me and daddy? the uncles and daddy had gone to town and got drunk..mama was pissed and daddy...well if you look real can tell..he's still drunk..ha

  2. You were a little spitfire. Now you're a grown up spitfire.

  3. the further I read into this the broader my smile became and my eyes got a little watery too... but that's a good thing. This my darling friend is one of the thing I love about visiting you.

  4. I am always in total awe of your memory. I can't believe how detailed you remember things. But i'm glad because you're funny.

  5. did you get any gold on your honeymoon?

    i like the hat a lot.

  6. I want to hear about the trip to Canada!!!!

    And don't go giving your tits to be skinny! (She didn't mean it Lord!) :o)

  7. You wouldn't have any tits at all if you were that skinny...

    You were a cute and well traveled lil' and not so lil' one. You could write a series of book on the characters that make/made up your family - and I'd be first in line to buy the first printing.

  8. These pics are awesome...Thanks for sharing!

  9. So beautiful and I agree with Intense Guy - write a book and we will buy it.

    I LOVE the pony story. I think everyone of a certain age has that photo of themselves but I've never heard such a great story about it! lol Love the fact that your mom wrote that bit of information down for you on the back of the photo too. Really wonderful stuff.

  10. Interesting pictures and post. I like the idea that you went and had your picture taken on the pony and - someone had to pay the tab!! That is one strong willed child...shock!

  11. i couldn't put my finger on it yesterday but it just hit me. hoyt axton often wore a similar hat.

  12. babs:i passed the spitfire stage im right into grotchety old bitch.
    willym:ahh, thank you sweety.
    jan:iam amazed myself sometimes at what I remember..can't remember what i had for lunch yesterday though.
    billy:iloved that hat. and we didn't get much the time we got to the border of alaska(where we were supposed to go) I'd had enough of the 50 degree below weather and the canadians not allowing me to go into pubs with my husband to have a beer..had to drink on the womens side..i refused and we got thrown out of every place we went that was fun.
    rox:not both of them..just the left one..could still make 2 good tits out of the one that's left..oh im telling you ...that would be one hysterical post. longest 6 weeks of my life.
    intenseguy:im still waiting for a couple of the relatives to die so i can write the book..other wise they's due me..ha..oh yeh, the roycrofts are all characters.
    galt:it was fun to share them with you all.
    pom:the best part of the story is that i had saw the pony guy and the pony about 4-5 blocks from the house and went there had the picture taken and then rode the pony back to the house...that was so cool.
    themom:i knew they couldn't say no to me..and so did the pony guy..hahaha

  13. Great pictures Jackie Sue! You were cute as a button!

  14. I'm gonna have to put up some pictues one day. Pictures make you think and sometimes wonder. Didn't they make a song, JackieSue?

  15. Loved reading/seeing you throughout the early years. when i look at the backgrounds of the photos and read your it is amazing we somehow made it to adulthood.....sibling whacks, drunk family and poor living. i always had a roof and floor but a drunk daddy was not fun. Love you JackieSue....not a tit is worth bring thin.

  16. WTH???? i left out a lot of can figure it out because your post made me cry and i can't see well at the moment.

  17. heidi:i hated people telling me i looked like shirley temple when i was little..ha
    wendy:oh pete..Im telling you ..that was the most amazing parakeet..i had 4 other parakeets and he taught all of them to cuss and say mama's pretty pete..he was the smartest parakeet i've ever seen.
    rainy:there was a song called the 4 freshmen or somebody like that..'JACKIE...YOUR THE ONE FOR ME.'i loved it..ha
    rosemary:its a wonder we all survived..and everything painted had lead in it, no seat belts,we fell, hit, stayed out all day playing and never had a lawyer involved in any of our fights or accidents..but we are better for all of it..look at the kids today..sissies..ha.
    why did i make you cry..willym got misty too...i see funny..but see nothing teary..ha.

  18. I vote you keep the tit..
    We are voting,aren't we?

  19. if you dont know about the trial put int 1974 in the left hand corner of 'my blog' and go down 2 posts...that trial...

  20. Love the pictures and stories of your life. Mine seems so dull by comparison! Your pet bird sounds like my african grey parrot - when I'm pissed she screams obscenities like a sailor - and sounds just like my voice.
    I'm also reading to buy your book. :-)

  21. Ha ha at Sling...I love these pictures and the stories! Very nice and you are soooo adorable on the horse.

  22. Jackiesue, usually folks are either style over substance or vice-versa. You, my dear, are simply and equisitely both.


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