Saturday, July 11, 2009


I had called Nitty's hospital room a couple of times and got no answer and just figured they had taken him out side or were doing hospital type things on him..Then one day I called and a lady answered and said he wasn't in that room any more. I remembered that Rose had said they were going to be moving him to another hospital. So I called the house and got no answer and finally got the grand daughter who informed me that Grandpa was at another hospital and Grandma was at bingo..I called back and got the lovely Natalie's mom and she gave me his new phone number and after a lovely chat where I identified myself as YELLOWDOG GRANNY, she thanked me for the little bikini I had sent for Natalie and yes, she sure knew who I was. (she used to tease her Dad about my being his Internet girlfriend. I kinda like that..ha..Anyhow, I got to talk to Nitwit(Steve) and he's doing better. He is able to eat mushed up crap for food..think everything goes into a blender...He said he's still weak, and the stuff he has to do to get stronger is wearing him out. But he's better...He's BETTER.... hot damn...It was so great to finally be able to talk to him and have him respond..Instead of that silent cackle of laughter when I talked dirty to him . His daughter had said he had a room mate and he might answer the phone. I said I'd call and start talking dirty to him and if he hung up I'd know I got the wrong guy...she thought that was pretty funny. So I'm happy...And don't forget to drop him a card every now and then. Babs and I are running into problems as there are only so many get well cards in West and I think we're going to be duplicating them soon. I may have to make my own 'get your ass out of bed' cards.
I have decided that if the citizens of West find me...they will have to take me in all my fucking glory.
I am 65 1/2 years 66 in November...I have been saying fuck you since I was 4..the chances of a running paragraph from me with out at least one fuck are pretty slim, and I kinda like it that way. I can have a conversation with out saying fuck..I do it all the quit laughing I'm serious here.. There are actually people that have never heard me cuss...Like....Dr. E., Dr. Tom, Kirk(my go to guy pharmacist), and ...........well, I think that's all..Usually if I blurt out something tacky, it's 'holy shit'...But if the people of West, happen to stumble here they will find a tacky ole broad who loves her town and speaks of it and it's citizens with love and warped humor.
If they don't' get it...fuckem...
Today is a jam day...Granny is jamming..I have my CD jacked up...I have listened to Across the Universe, sportsmash music, (wild thing, mony mony, love shack, etc.), James hand, Janis, Hank, Barry White, Willie, and I'm listening to Gangsters Paradise by Culio now...I really like that song.
I was really dancing around the living room to 'love shack' and Annie was trying to get around me and I kept dancing around her and wouldn't let her by...she thinks I'm nuts..But I'm having my music moment..Have 2 CD's of 50's rock and roll, it's going on next..Had to take Barry out, he's too sloooooooooooooooooooow...I'm ready to boogie uggie till I can't boogie no more..which for me is about 30 minutes...

OHHHHH..I almost super duper buddy Intense guy(IGGY) sent me a p-38 and a terrific little card...In case you don't know what a p-38 is, I'm enclosing a picture. When my Daddy was in Germany and France during WWII he like all GI's had a p-38 and he carried it from day one till he got out of the service. He kept it...finally one day he gave it to me..I carried it on my key chain for jeez, 15 years or better. Until my oldest son son my car keys with my p-38 on it. Oh my Goddess, did the shit hit the fan. Dave was afraid to come home for days and spent most of it trying to find them, because he knew what that p-38 meant to me. So somehow I mentioned it to IGGY and he sent me one...a Korean era one, don't care I have it on my key chain...I can't tell you how thrilled I am with it..and the cutest card I have ever received. When I was at the mail boxes to get my mail I saw the package from him and I just squealed...'Oh, he sent me my p-38'...I had to explain to the startled old ladies what a p-38 was and showed them. One of them said, 'knowing you I figured someone had sent you a gun.'...hmmm...
Life is fucking good....


  1. Dance away...sounds like fun. I have an award for you at my drop in and pick it up. Enjoy the day!

  2. A p-38 is a kind of gun. Is it a can opener too?

  3. mom..kay! it was fun...nice to dance and not have to expect rain..ahhahaha
    tex;really? i knew it was an airplane, but didnt know it was a gun...yup..its a can daddy said it was a life saver in the war..

  4. Walther I think made the P-38 gun, but I could be wrong. I didn't know about the can opener either, cool.

    Glad Nitwit is feeling better, I do have another card around here somewhere I meant to send, will get on that.

  5. I've got one of those around here I have to go look for it.

  6. great to hear mr wit is feeling better.

  7. everyone ....keep sending him cards..they're working...

  8. I got a nitwit card and forgot to send it. :( Hangs his head in shame. Its even addressed and everything. I'll get it to the Post Office tomorrow for sure.

    I'm glad you got such a smile out of that P-38! :)

  9. sigh* Iggy.I can forgive you anything after the p-38...i have had some of the greatest gifts from my blogging friends, books, tshirts, bandanas, stuffed animals, you name it...but the p-38 was my very very favorite by's like i have a little bit of my daddy back with me..
    now send the fucking card.

  10. Ha ha ha! I thought it was a gun as well until I saw the pic.

    Soooo very glad to hear that Nitwit is still on the road to recovery. Nothing like a little phone sex talk to make a man feel tons better! Keep up the good work, Jac!

  11. Haven't seen a P38 in years...Hang on to that with both hands!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to