Sunday, July 12, 2009

MONDAY MORING cheer the fuck up!

For Lady Shark.

For Sling!

For Justmom.

For Anne!

for Babs!

for buddha_girl!

to all of my best friends in blogger land.

For Jan.

for Jan!

for Tex, I think they are all in Oklahoma

for Billy...from Ruby!

to alllll of you..snort*

For Sage!

For Ted.

For Willym and L.

this is the one I had intended to go on facebook, but it put something else tis'..



  1. Oh gosh! LMAO!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

    I snorted my coffee up my nose when I read the one about the Bush statue. Then choked on it when I read about Sparky and the "incoming" spandex.

    Laffs@protective of his balls...

    You got a A+++ collection of stumbles this week. :)

  2. Thanks YG, I needed all that! LOL!

  3. Wow, you've got some extra-fabulous stumbles today! Thanks for the laughs -- just what I need on a Monday morning!

  4. Great way to start the week! The religions chart is fantastic! ;>)

  5. I can be changed to pigeon, pleez?

  6. I love the pigeons! Flock rock!

  7. Ha ha, That is funny , Homer would have done something like that when I first got him...then he would feel so bad. I love the religion one. very funny

  8. I have been doing more stumbles lately...and less lolcats and ihazhotdog...
    I like the animal ones alot..but the human ones are pretty fecking funny..I think my favorite is the pigeon one..and annie if someone does make you into a pigeon..come get me..

  9. One is funnier than the next. Well, except for the pitiful Poodle who got drunk with a cat.

  10. i gotta get some paint and give ruby a better eye patch.

  11. I love the God's fan club one!
    And I'm sending the Men are Fuckers one to Mom-O.

  12. I LURVE mine!

    Due to a shitstorm of hell here, I might have to shut down my bloggy. I'm so damn sad, I could cry.

    Instead, I'm gonna put on my big girl panties and attempt to get some sleep.

  13. Love all the glowing-eyed kitties! (just got a new kitten and have cats on the brain)

    Great stuff, thanks.

  14. I love the religion chart...and everything else!

  15. I got my own stumble?? I'm so excited! :o)

    Love the "men are fuckers".. the only thing missing is a "dear" at the end of it!

  16. yeah, i love the pigeon and the religion one the best...


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to