Friday, July 17, 2009

.......WEST NEWS.......

Have to start right off with the great news that the Bold Springs Baptist Church is having 2 meals during this coming week. Yesterday that had baked chicken and dressing, green beans, mashed potatoes, corn, dessert and tea. July 20th will have hamburgers with all the trimmings..I see they have the right phone number this week. Last Monday it was wrong and instead of being able to call and order it and pick it up, people just swamped the place and those poor ladies were about to jump ship. First they ran out of lettuce, then they ran out of buns(just as I got there to order our burgers) so I had a long wait and used the time to take some pictures and chat with Vivian who takes the orders. She was about to run screaming out the door. I got to say howdy to Miss Pauline who's mother is the one the Mary E. Howard Multi-Purpose Center is named after. You might remember me talking about Miss Pauline before. She's the one that I help with rides for her groceries. I pick them up and take them home and she rides her 'scooter' down the street. I left before her once and she damn near beat me home. They don't come any sweeter than her.
I am going to do a post on just the ladies of Bold Springs hamburgers and the history of the church and the center. It's very interesting and they are pretty amazing.

West Library thanks to Nancy H. the librarian and her initiative in getting the grant money started the Tale Tellers for the Library. It is such a success that the program got state recognition.The Central Texas Library systems July newsletter features the West Public Library's Tale Tellers in an article that describes what they do and the times they do it. The newsletter was mailed to over 300 state library websites statewide. Nancy has done such a great job since she took over after Miss Henrietta passed away. She still talks like she's going to quit next week, and makes jokes about how she doesn't like kids and can't understand why they all want to join up and do all this stuff with her. I smell bullshit..ha..and tell her so. She loves those kids and loves seeing their potential. She was a high school teacher for many years..Wish I had a teacher like her. She truly cares.
Cottonwood has a picnic planned for Sunday. The SPJST LODGE6 is having their 112th Cottonwood Picnic with a friend chicken and sausage meal with all the trimmings. Take out orders and large plates are priced at $7 each and small plates $5. The West over 40 Dance group is having a dance tonight at West Fraternal Auditorium. Admission is $6 per person and the music will be provided by Texas Heartbeat....I just noticed says for further information, call Jacque Beavers....I swear....that's not me..and I am sitting her biting my tongue to keep from making a smart ass remark about her name ...but I won't.
Main Street program is having a photo contest for teens and adults. The categories are:pets, landscapes, people, floral, sports and others. Prices are to be provided by Padgitts in Waco and Arlington Camera in Arlington. It cost $5 for each entry. I'm thinking about entering. Have to decide what I want to take a picture of...I'm thinking people. Might go up to the Retirement Center and take some snaps of the old folks hands. All I have to use is Babs digital, but if I do good, maybe I could win a camera. Tada!..yeah, right. ha

The West Shilling Pipe and Steel Junior Girls Softball team has scheduled a fundraiser tomorrow at the Farmers Market from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.They are selling BBQ sandwiches with chips for $5. The proceeds will go to aid the girls in their trip to the state playoffs in Early, Texas. Oh yeah, they won...that's so cool. Hmmm, BBQ sandwich to help out the girls Saturday or Monday at Bold Springs for hamburger. decisions ...decisions..

There is a great article in the West News about 3 generations of Valedictorians..The grandma was Valedictorian at Lott High Schook in 1961, her daughter at West in 1987 and her granddaughter at Robinson High School in 2009. That's great.
Christina Nix married Kody Kolar were married April 3rd. Pamela Malar is engaged to Tracer hand and will marry this July 25th. Tracer is the son of James Hand, you know.old boyfriend, great singer..Check him out on his website. If you like Hank Williams, Sr. you will love James Hand. He's on my blog roll.
Tatum Kendall Kasberg was born on May 11, and weighed 7 pounds, 15 ounces and 20.5 inches long. He has a born to be an Aggie cap on..So cute.
Seven people passed away. Some familiar faces in the crowd. Some were younger than me..that always makes me twitchy...
Filly's N Phish Restaurant and Bar has 1/2 price daily specials Monday thru Wednesday and a daily senior discount...Longnecks for $1...I think I'll pass on the longnecks but this coming Wednesday I'll treat Babs for lunch and see if I'm considered 'senior enough' for them..haha.
I'm posting all the pictures of the softball winners teams. They just look so cute and wholesome.

West has a new Auto Supply ...they have freon on sale..need to get some for the white charger. But my heart belongs to Ace Auto. First of all the owner drives a tanish gray Studebaker, forget what year...and I fucking love that truck. Plus the guy is damn near the best looking guy in West. He's too young for me and think he's married..but damn...he's fine.

Kade Rogers went fishing with his grandpa Christ Rogers and friend Andy Curry(son of a bitch, I just noticed that's Patsy Patsy Patsy's Andy...and he promised me fish the next time he went..busted I not only know you and everyone caught 9 damn fish weighing up to 10 pounds..I'm calling his ass the minute I finish this post. Buttroy. I want my stripper...
West Food Mart has peaches on sale for .69 a pound..I bought some yesterday and they were really good..Not the big fat ones like we usually have but after the drought, guess we'll have to take what we can get. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhman...Bing cherries are $1.99 a pound and I found out that they are one of the fruits with the highest amount of carbs..sigh*.fuck.
Sonic is accepting applications, which means they will be opening soon. Every time I drive by I want to holler out the window at them..'hurry the fuck up'...torn between doing that and getting out and hugging the building.
Great business opportunity for some one..Pizza business in the Czech Republic. They have 3 successful pizza restaurants for sale in Brno, Prague and Velky Tynec..Plus the Village Bakery is still for sale. All offers accepted. Community Grocery has leg quarters on sale for .69 cents a pound. and limes 10 for $1...I'll go get some of those..I like them in my tea and my Family Dollar fruity water that I'm so fond of.
They had a party last Sunday for Father Ed celebrating his 20th year as the parish priest for West. They had it at the KC Hall and Jeanette K. in her little news column said he danced every dance and had requested his two favorite bands to play, the Red Ravens and the Jujka Brothers. This is Father Ed on the right with the new Father Will..Father Ed looks like he might have had a pevo or two.

Well, that's all the news worth printing..come on down and visit with us..ya'hea?


  1. I'm still pondering how difficult life would be for someone named Jacque Beavers.-

  2. "It's a dude in a studebaker, I'm shakin' my moneymaker, he's slowin down to take a look at me." ...I can see why the Eagles went with flatbed Ford and stayed away from Studebaker.

  3. At least it was Jacque... I can readily imagine other first names that would have made Jacque life really miserable.

    Anyhooooo - enter a picture for me YDG! - I know for a fact you don't have any excuse not to enter a couple pictures. :)

  4. jan:i think there's a song in that name somewhere.
    tex:oh..thats good...i like that..
    intense:i think she and i may be the only 2 jacque's in west..I'm going to go to the west rest home and see if they will let me take pictures of their hands...

  5. I will never understand the southern obsession with Sonic. The two times I ate at one in North Carolina were quite possibly two of the absolute WORST meals I ever experienced in my 45 years on this planet so far. Highly overrated.

    Yes, Jackie, I got your ecard...thank you! I tried to email you back but your email hasn't worked in months! I always got what I wrote returned to me. Don't know why? Hugs and kisses.

  6. Got to read the news a little late this week. Damn all you folks do is eat - and it all sounds so good.

    Like the sounds of Nancy the librarian - there's a someone who is doing something to really educate the kids. A rare breed indeed.

  7. midge..hope that i got the email address thing fixed..damn thing..
    i love sonic..but then i only eat the corn dogs...and after eating the one at pizza house, i may not get one there..maybe s.c. sonic just makes bad food..
    willym:hell, what else is there to do but eat..and when your surrounded by such great food...might as well..
    nancy is a blessing..she pshaw's you if you brag on her and makes fun of her self..but she's well aware of what she's accomplished and very proud of the kids..

  8. Sounds like someone or some organization is ALWAYS fixing food down there. That is great. All the old biddies know how to make up here are the "Soup and Salad" lunches. Hell, I want FOOOOOOOD!!

  9. Anything in the papwe about who broke into the church?

  10. I need to put a bid in for the bakery. I can cook my ass off. Might be the best diet ever. I'm thinking I can send Buddha to preschool in West and have Aunt Grandma Jackie pick him up after school until I'm done working.

    And those FISH? What the hell? I have never seen fish that big come out of fresh water. Salt water suckers are big and scary. Now I've seen it all.

    Save a hamburger for me. I grilled out last night and ate a burger in honor of you and your churchy ladies.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to