Wednesday, August 05, 2009


Fairy and Princess supplies? Oh my!..Wendy has some 'burning questions' so I thought I might as well squeeze in a visit before football season starts because once the 'boys' suit up...the Yellowdog will be glued to that new 32' television of hers. If they win that's all she'll want to talk about. If they lose she won't want to speak to anyone. So little citizens of the planet earth...ask away. Remember no politics or sports..those are the Yellowdog's areas...the Goddess, could care less.


  1. First!
    Is there any chance that my supervisor might implode or fall down a laundry chute sometime in the near future? The fact that she's scheduled me every other night of the week (never 2 nights off at a go) for more than a month now makes me wish she would. Or would she just be replaced by someone even more insane and foolish, as is often the case in these matters?

  2. Oh my! Such an opportunity!

    I'll have to think about this and get back to you. :)

  3. We keep buying and buying lottery tickets....just when are we gonna win? It doesn't have to be a big payout.....10,000 bucks would do just fine. Do you have any suggestions for getting rid of wrinkles other than surgery?

  4. Is there such a thing as cholesterol or did the food nazis just invent the word to torture the rest of us and make us feel guilty about what we like to eat?

  5. Will Tanner ever run out of things to get into?

  6. Besides dieting, how can I make my ass smaller?


  7. Do you think there's anyplace on Earth other than Angle Inlet, MN where the Northern Lights are as pretty (Been to Great Falls, MT & it's alright, but can't hold a candle to "the Angle')?

  8. Will you help me keep my ass glued on for the next year? Lots of people are gonna be kicking it.

  9. I would love a significant other to hold and to fuck and all that jazz, but in the interim how do I manage to enjoy the company of just friends? Will it all be better upon returning to college, or is this just how things are meant to be?

  10. how the hell did india get a nuclear submarine before israel?

  11. Sooner here,

    I went to a carnival and had my palm read.

    Her name was Msdame Vulva and she told me to lay out my hand. I did, and then she glared at me and told me to stay away from her daughters,"Velveeta and Valvoline".

    Then she told me that apparently I was lonely, because one of my forearms was so much more muscled...

    Now what in the HELL did that mean?

  12. "I wonder wonder who be-doooo who, who wrote the book of love?" Good luck answering that one!

  13. Does life really begin at 60 (I hope)?

  14. Is it always better to take the high road?

  15. Laffs at Sooner and forgets his question.

    Good Goddess... What was my question?

  16. Goddess, no prissy fairy or princess supplies here.

    Would love to know if someone will be smart enough to give me an effin job some time soon. Regardless of either my lack of experience or over qualifications as the case may be.

    Not technically politics, but do you think that Palin really has a GED? (Bill Maher doesn't)

    Finally, are Bailey and Annie in some satanic alliance? If so, make sure they attack weird men who knock on Jackie's door at 10PM versus Jackie herself.

  17. Is it possible to save the polar bears? Have we completely trashed out planet so that human life will not be sustainable on it for much longer? God said NO and YES, so like a kid trying to get a different answer, I am asking you now. Besides, I figure you are bigger and stronger than that old, white, bearded control freak.

  18. Oh Dearest Goddess~
    I don't want to spend another winter in cold, snow HELL.
    Does Sooner live someplace warm? If so I could be the answer to his question. If not, then he is still SOOL. Isn't he in ARK or OK or something? Isn't there like tornadoes there? Eww.
    Just what should I do? NC is going to make my hair flat all time, I think.
    Please help me. Tell me the most perfect place for me to live. Forever. Cuz I ain't moving again.
    Love, Clance'

  19. Now that I have short hair and more butch, is there a better chance of me getting laid more often?

  20. Does the Goddess ever go on Her period, or has She managed to avoid such mortal trivialities?

  21. Why doesn't everyone just wise up,and come around to my way of thinking?

  22. Wouldn't it be great if anyone who was sick or hurt could just go to the doctor?

  23. Will anyone ever come look at and fix my roof? Everybody bitches about being poor but they dont want to work they want stuff handed to them. Why is that? Present company excluded of course.

  24. There are so many victimless crimes these days. "Step out of line and the man comes to take you away."
    Will America ever become a truly free country as advertised?

  25. What should my opening line be when I greet my family (that I've been estranged from for years) next week? Should I open with a joke? Should I be serious? HELP ME GODDESS!

  26. My question is the same as Woozie's but leave out the going back to college part. That would be his first question - not the period question :)

  27. Oh great and all powerful Oz.. oh sorry wrong salutation!

    Oh Goddess I have been told that I will need to go through electro-stimulus therapy and it was explained to me by the specialist but in Italian so I didn't understand half of it. Should I be afraid?????

  28. So where is this World Peace I've been hearing people talk about? I'm running out of time to see any of it.

  29. Is a new start always available?
    It's pretty clear that bringing the old family together isn't going to happen, and the country is full of unwed moms...Seems just from the math that the odds are with me.

  30. Will John Connolly ever allow Charlie Parker to be happy for more than 10 seconds? And is peach jam worth going through the hassle of making from scratch using fresh, local peaches?


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to