Saturday, August 15, 2009


Michael Vick says he deserves a second did these babies..


  1. I'm not buyin' all this phoney remorse on Mike's part.
    I really don't care all that much about football,but the Eagle's are my new favorite team to root against.

  2. I agree with Sling. I wonder if the opposing team will play "Who let the dogs out" when Vic takes the field, they should.

  3. Personally, I hope Vick's presence back on the field makes "sacking the quarterback" the most important part of any Eagles opponent's strategy. What if he got sacked so much and so often that it was useless to put him on the field anymore?

    A girl can dream, can't she?

  4. I have officially declared myself an ex-fan of the Eagles and will now root for the Dallas Cowboys. Michael Vick had a little to do with this decision, but you, Granny, with your generous box of books, sealed the deal. Thank you ever so much! Be on the lookout for a return gift that should bring you great pleasure.

  5. I have really mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, dog fighting is truly despicable thing to do. But on the other. . . when you grow up immersed in a culture that not only accepts it but encourages it (and dog fighting has been accepted in the South for a long, long time, and still is, unfortunately) . . . I can understand where Vick's stupidity and casual cruelty came from. Then when you add in the fact he did get punished, he did prison time, he's been financially ruined, . . . I have no idea what Vick is saying now as part of his public service work with the Humane Society, but it would be great if he would speak frankly about the things that led him to believe dog fighting was acceptable and why he knows now that it's not.

    Bottom line: once someone's served his/her time, that person deserves a second chance so it doesn't bother me that he's back playing football, but I still hope he gets sacked repeatedly because I can't stand the Eagles.

  6. I hate the eagle and Vick. It hurst me so much to see what he has done to these dogs.

  7. I think he should give 25% of his annual salary to the Humane Society for so long as he is involved in football. Let some good come out of this for other animals, at least.

  8. is the prick able to keep the money he's making or is it going to his creditors?

  9. I cannot believe what he has done... Just so glad he is not a Chicago Bear anymore...since that is my home team. I agree with Debra...he should give at least 25% of his salary back to helping animals.

  10. The worst for me is that PETA and I are in agreement about something for the first and I sure hope last time.

  11. When the interviewer mentioned that when people get into trouble they tend to find god, I said no fkn shit.

    Vick should be synonymous with capital punishment...why couldn't have had his ring in Texas?

  12. I have to say that he's got quite a panel of "helpers" who are hoping to recreate his image after this latest stint in prison. He almost sold me when I was watching the interview on 60 Minutes tonight. JB zinged him when he asked him if his words were true to him or a product of the coaching he's obviously received from his current staff.

    After having taught inner-city kids in Virginia for 10 years now, I DO understand how the culture in which you grow up can twist your views and create tunnel vision. Do I accept this as an excuse for the vicious cruelty he helped visit on these poor canines? Absolutely not. When I run across kid each year who have excuses like Vick and his supporters have used, I tell my students they can either rise above their history or become willing victims of it. It's their choice.

    I hope that Vick's learned SOMETHING from this debacle of hell and that his link with the Humane Society can bring something positive to animals. But I have my doubts.

  13. hey wendy..quit picking on texas..we have enough assholes with out getting more ...

    since he's there and not going away..i do home that he does change the thinking of some kids who grow up in the dog fighting culture..if one kid is changed my what vick says now as part of his probation..then it's worth it...but i think he really feels what he did was ok and is only sorry he got caught and went to jail and loss all his money...

  14. I say that Michael Vick deserves a second chance--
    To have his ass kicked.
    I am so over him and his fake remorse. He should never be allowed to play in the NFL again. Period.

  15. What sucks is that the Philadelphia Eagles didn't have enough class or sense not to sign him.

    I didn't watch the Eagles before - and this nearly enough to make me a Cowboy's fan (but not quite)...

    I'll stick to watching SpongeBob re-runs.


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