Tuesday, August 18, 2009


and a friend to a lot of you...http://darkwinterraven.blogspot.com/ Nancy ..is in the hospital with they think gallbladder trouble. My friend the Lady Shark Rox in Chicago who had just spent last weekend visiting them called me and let me know..I sent most of you an email to let you know but if I missed anyone...this is to let you know..She could use some prayers and lit candles.

I have her cell phone number ...if anyone wants to call her..let me know...I don't think she would mind..Bruce will probably have the phone and can take messages...Get well my little Lakota Princess..


  1. Hope she is better soon. I'll take a gander at her blog too.

  2. I hope it turns out to be nothing serious, but good wishes and thoughts from here.

  3. Your page makes me smile, so I had to wander over and see her blog. I got sucked in. What an amazing woman! May the Lady bless her and heal her.

  4. I hope she gets well soon.

    Hugs for you - the caregiver.

  5. I went to her facebook and gave her a hug. Get well Soon NAncy.

  6. Sending all my best to Nancy - she is one helluvawoman and my inspiration. Thanks for giving her a space on your blog xoxo You are certainly one of the best friends anyone could have.

  7. if any of you don't know Nancy's story ..she is a breast cancer survivor..right after she had her double dip operation she had a lap band to get rid of diabetes...she's cancer free, lost over 40lbs, is no longer a diabetic and is kicking ass...she also lost a daughter ricky to cancer.so she's had a tough life..but she's fought it like the lakota princess that she is and came out on the other side with all of her friends love and admiration...stop by and tell her howdy...

  8. Hope she's feeling better soon.
    I'll drop by her place and leave a note.

  9. hope your friend is better soon Granny...

    she is going in tomorrow morning for gall bladder surgery and maybe some lasering of some sludge in her spleen?....anyhow I talked to her threated to kick Bruce's ass if he didn't take care of her ...she sounded great..actually she sounded stoned out of her gourd...will have more news in 2 days..

  11. I hope she gets to feeling better soon.

  12. My best wishes for her,glad she sounded happy!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....