Friday, September 04, 2009


which means :how are you? it?..ha
You can't tell but in the pictures of the sunset..the sun was the brightest orange you ever was fucking beautiful...and has my favorite blue pink.

command post seat on right, my throne in center and couch on the left..

my new hair cut and glasses..i take crappy pictures.

the sheet on the couch is for annie and her tootsie pop accidents..

the lion doesn't sleep tonight..

this is the look that means 'before you go to bed tonight I'm leaving a tootsie pop in everyone of your converse tennie shoes bitch.'

believer it or not..she's not peeed in the house once since she got shaved..the tootsie pops..nother story.
she just doesn't know when she's going and by the time she tries to make it either out side or to the liter box..too late..but she's 100 percent easier to keep clean and she's a lot cooler

I fucking love that tail.

my little furless baby...thanks to you guys...she's here to make me happy/miserable, pissed, and happy all over again..we both thank you.

I swear to the Goddess I never know what to expect when I walk into Family Dollar when Inky's working..ha.. His new 'do'..or in this case..'don't'


  1. I'd pick Annie's haircut over Inky's any day. That is one nice sunset. Do you think you could have been a bit further away when they took your picture?

  2. Everyone's hair looks great! So glad Annie is continuing to do well! :)

  3. That is one murderous look from Annie but I'm sure she feels better. It must be embarrassing for the little princess not to have control over her nether regions.

  4. I adore the tail as well.

    I bet it can be mesmerising to watch.

  5. rosemary:im hoping someone will buy me a new camera for christmas or for my 66th birthday..ha..geez..66 on 11-12..that's scary..
    yeah, im not crazy about ink's haircut..but annie..she's soo cute.
    heidi:where the hell are you girl? email me..
    jan:ya, she was pretty pissed that day..but since then..she's been more playful, and cleaner..she's smart enough to know it was for the better good..
    apos:ha..yeah cause her ass still sort of wobbles when she walks and her ass will kind of slide around so she's almost walking side ways.ha

  6. Looks like Annie and Inky went to the same barber!!!! But dare I say on her it looks better.

  7. I got that haircut for my Alpha once, and she didn't speak to me for a week. She's old now herself and starting to get picky about her box.

  8. I think you and Annie both look like the goddesses you are with your new haircuts! :o)

  9. i have to ask

    what's a tootsie pop accident?

  10. Oh oh, wait until Billy Pilgrim finds out that tootsie pop accidents are not good...

    I love your new glasses and I love that you wear Converse runners!

  11. Annie looks good in her lion cut,but you know your on her shit list.

  12. ["command post seat on right, my throne in center and couch on the left.."]
    Where the hell's the health food, a.k.a. the snacks?

    My kind of girl.:)

    I suppose it'd be inappropriate for a male to comment on the quality of Anne's tail, but I bet she can piss you off more in an hour, than you can her, all day long!:)

  13. Annie looks cute...sort of like an alien cat.

  14. Anne looks like a little Saber Tooth Tiger. Nice sunset, last week the moon looked kind of red, they say it was the smoke from the California fires.

  15. willym:i'm going to tell that to inky too..ha
    anne:i think annie likes's cool and its less cleaning which is hard for her to do ..
    billy:that's what annies poop looks ike..tootsie pop's...
    rox: i also have a great pair of roxy's too.haha
    green tea:cost $10
    sling:yeah, I'm afraid to go thru my laundry hamper.
    future: I try not to snack..only halthy stuff..and since there is not a bunch of healthy stuff that I really like..ha..
    tex:i was worried about friday night as it was a full moon..i do know there were a ton of hung over people sat am at the parade.

  16. aww sweet little kitty with the lion hair cut! I've done that once to one of my cats....funniest thing :)

    So glad to see you taking pics - good to see my friend to the east in west, tx :)

  17. aww sweet little kitty with the lion hair cut! I've done that once to one of my cats....funniest thing :)

    So glad to see you taking pics - good to see my friend to the east in west, tx :)

  18. aww sweet little kitty with the lion hair cut! I've done that once to one of my cats....funniest thing :)

    So glad to see you taking pics - good to see my friend to the east in west, tx :)

  19. I love Annie and your new haircut! you both are dazzling.
    Inky's buzzcut is okay..but you two are the tops!

  20. Ack... poor lil' Annie! What a humiliation.

    I hope the buzz cut is helping (you and) her out though.

    Your new glasses look great! How's the view out the other way?

  21. Ps, I hope you continue to post - congrats on the 1725 postings to date!

  22. Annie looks GAWJISS!!! I love it!!!

  23. i love my new glasses and like my new hair cut too..and think annie likes hers too..she peed on herself this afternoon while outside and it was so much easier to clean her off..

  24. Great pics! Very nice sunset, and your pussy looks like a ferocious beast.

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