Sunday, October 11, 2009


they finally pulled that out of their ass...KC was a 8 1/2 point underdog and Cowboys finally won by a touchdown in fucking over time, them bastids. I fooled them..I took KC and the points.
Was supposed to go to Jenny's today after the game and make pizza's, but I'm not feeling up to par for that long ass drive and it's raining out and it's just a snuggle up in my snuggie with a cup of hot tea and scream at the fucking TV set kind of day.
I made sausage, cabbage soup and it was really good and a great cool weather meal.
I took a bunch of pictures of the porch and the living room. I cleaned out the shed, cleaned up the shelving unit on the porch and moved it into the shed and then cleaned up the porch..Looks good. That's my work for the weekend. The weather has been wonderful ..low of 49 at night and the high has been in the 60's. But it will probably be back in the 80's in a few days. Texas..gotta love it.
Jenny got her wedding dress, and was so excited. I am so proud of her..She got her dress, veil, shoes under garments and alterations for under $1,500. She's terrific.
Well I feel a Sunday, the Cowboys finally won and it's cool out side nap coming on. Hope you all had a great weekend..and don't forget the Goddess answered your questions ...


  1. Kansas City must have felt sorry for Dallas. I'm glad I don't follow football. I might feel sorry for myself.

  2. Cowboys and Indians, I'm glad your boys won!

  3. wow that was one great game too...I had to google why Kansas City cuz of their helmets during the game I had no idea they were texans at one time.

  4. I just watch them turn left, turn left, turn left...

    NASCAR is so durn boring...

    :) (my anti-vick boycott continues)

  5. I wonder what the point spread is for Dallas be something if they lost a bye. Then again plays their best games when they don't show up.

  6. they couldn't beat the point spread even on a bye week..ha..


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