Friday, January 08, 2010


I keep thinking you people don't give a shit about seeing Dexter in all his glory..but then I like showing him off, so you'll just have to suffer through it..This is psycho in my little rattan tray, which will barely fit his fat ass, but he likes it anyhow. This was taken seconds before he attacked me and the camera.

He's sitting on the back of the recliner and uses it as a place to plan his attacks on my hands, head, newspaper, book, etc. and he bites..not little nips, but big hunks and punctures the skin.
I think this is my favorite picture of him..I'd been badgering him to 'look Dexter, look at me"...and finally this is the look I got. Babs and I think he might be part Maine Coon as he has the M over his forehead and the big ears and tails like a Maine Coon. Plus he's as big as a raccoon and is pushing 11 pounds. I keep singing 'he's got Alice Cooper eyes, to the tune of She's got Betty Davis eyes.' He seems to like it..

White claw...he attacks me through the gap in the foot-rest on the recliner. I'm never safe from attacks...Can you see his creepy little eyes peeking out of the gap?

This is his other favorite place to sleep. The green velvet basket that Annie was supposed to love but never did. He sleeps in those 2 places or with me in bed..he also likes the back of the one couch so he can look out the window and keep an eye on me so he knows when I'm busy reading and then he'll jump across the room, go under the recliner and then stage his attacks against me.

This is the birthday bag Babs gave me and he can fit in to it if he squeezes really hard..and when he does he pushes on the little button that plays Happy Birthday and that freaks him out. I'm pretty sure he does it on purpose so he will have an excuse to run down the hall way and up on the bed.

Just as I took the picture he attacked.

I don't see you, I don't hear you and you are not there.

This is my shelf of Internet family...well, and Michael with the Cobra. I think I would like everyone to send me a picture of themselves so I can have a wall of fame..If you'd like to I'll send my address ...That way I'll have you all right here. I like that idea a lot. I already have Nitty's granddaughter, Buddha_Boy, Rox's family in Canada...So..everyone send me your picture.
I'm coming down with a code..I hab a stuffed up nose and starting to feel crappy...Hope the Cowboys win tomorrow so I won't want to either kill myself or somebody....


  1. Dexter DOES have Alice Cooper eyes! Both in a good way and in a bad way!

  2. I love the Dexter updates...the pictures are great..and if he is a maine coon...that is going to be one big cat.

  3. It sounds like he is a total match for you. I hope he is a Cowboys fan.

  4. it's hard to see in the pictures but he has like a eye liner black line that goes from his eyes down around his muzzle..yeah, they say he could top out at 20 lbs. oh he's more than a match for me..and he better be a cowboy fan or he's sleeping in the truck.

  5. I suspect my Scheherazade may be part Maine Coon. She trills. She's the most vocally expressive cat I've ever heard.

    I like the Dexter updates.

  6. I love the Dexter updates!
    I find the idea of a serial cat attacker strangely comforting.

  7. I'm almost willing to put money on Dexter being at least half Maine Coon. He has the look.

  8. I think Dexter is a breed unto himself. I don't think anyone can predict what he will turn into in the future.
    I don't call my granddaughter Little Bit any more now that she's in the terrible twos. I now call her Bugger Butt. She seems to like it.

  9. nitty send me a new picture of her...
    bugger butt...i like that..ha
    i picked him up and held him in my arms like a baby and said 'dexter your on my computer and showed him his picture...he bit me...bastid

  10. Dexter is a trip!!!! LOL

    He's a pretty cat, but damn, in every picture he looks like he's plotting something. :)

    I love the picture of his little paw coming up between the recliner foot rest and the chair itself. Awesome!

  11. He's a lot of beast. :) He might even enjoy meeting Alice Cooper and arm wrestling him.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to