Sunday, January 10, 2010


Ok..truth..when I first started blogging as Yellowdog Granny, how many of you knew what a Yellowdog was?..Wonder if this cartoon means the cat is a Republican?


  1. Looks like the Yellow Dog has your attitude too!

  2. As near as I can figure out from your blog, does "yellowdog" in the USA mean someone who is a Democrat? We don't use the term here in Canada. Although we do have a political saying that refers to a yellow dog: "This riding (constituency) is so loyal to [insert name of political party here], they could run a yellow dog as their candidate and it would still be elected." So sometimes the phrase "yellow dog riding" is used among old-timers like me! The saying has probably gone out of style among anyone under 50.

  3. I knew what a Yellow Dog was. my family is from the south after all.

    The cat looks purple to me. think that makes him a Independent.

  4. I was always wondering what yellowdog was...

  5. I like what Will Rogers said, "I don't belong to any organized party. I'm a Democrat!!" Lately I saw a cartoon where the Blue Dogs were labeled Blue Cross & Blue Shield.

  6. I'll be a YDD until pigs fly or until I see a Republican on the ballot that I can vote for.

  7. debra:a yellowdog democrat is very very liberal..waaaaay to the left..the bluedog democrat is almost a republican..
    nitty:yeah, im pretty sure any and all cats are independent.
    sage:anyone that will vote for anything or anybody as long as they are a in would vote for a yellow dog if he ran on the democrat ticket..
    kulkuri:dont you wish will rogers was here now?

  8. And here I thought yellow dogs just made yellow snow..

  9. I knew what it meant. It was why I started following you!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to