Monday, April 19, 2010


Jenny's bridal shower. One table of gifts, the other of food. The food was terrific. They had some great wraps and lots of fresh fruit.

Jenny and Me..Me and Jenny? Jenny and I ..? ha..
The kid that was taking the picture didn't know what he was doing and by the time he got it right Jenny had the 'frozen smile' and I had the get me out of here smile.

I don't do these things I had spent the entire time kissing up to the daughterinlaw and was ready for a double shot of tequila and had to settle for some water. I wanted to make sure it went great for Jenny, so I made sure the step-mom(daughterinlaw) wouldn't have any thing to complain about. Jenny, Jamie and Kathy(the girls mom) were stunned at my behaviour.hahahah)

The girls and their mom..

Jennifer and 'step mom'.

Can't tell to well, but this is the most beautiful ceramic frame..just beautiful.

Antique logo Budweiser glasses. This was about the 8th gift that was either wine or beer related..haha..

A wine chiller.

Wine glasses.

Wine corks/stoppers.

It's ovah!...

Sangria wine

The food..which really was great, and a very nice punch.

My gift to Jason..He'd been spending every weekend pulling weeds so I got him weed preventer for his yard and a antique Texas bottle opener that you put on the wall. He loved them both. I had already given them most of their gifts before the party and was going to give her the herb pots for her kitchen but couldn't find them any will make them myself. It was a great shower and Jenny and Jason got lots of great gifts..including a black and decker screwdriver. Which we're still puzzling over..
Now all is left is the rehearsal dinner and the wedding..Jenny is now wishing they had just taken the money, ran off, got married and on her honey moon already. I am going sometime this week for dress hunting...arghghgghghghghghghhghghghghghghghgh


  1. It looks like a lovely shower. Jennifer's dress is beautiful. And . . . and . . . Yellowdog Granny on her best behaviour? Yowza! You clearly love your granddaughter very much!

  2. Your behavior will be the thing of talk for decades! SMILE

  3. You two look simply marvelous!

    :) (I don't know who I'm quoting... its in a movie somewhere).

  4. Boobapalooza! Holy cow! Everyone has such big tatas! Heehee! Glad you behaved and stayed away from the Tequilla. Haha!

  5. Looks pretty nice...I'd be wanting a double shot of tequila too.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to