Wednesday, April 07, 2010


This is mythical and deep ... really beautiful ...

A cowboy asked an American Indian what was his wife's name.

He replied, "She called Four Horses".

The man said, "That's an unusual name for your wife.
What does it mean?"
The Old Indian answered, "It old Indian Name. It mean...



  1. LOL! Well I thought it was funny.

    Me name "Heap Big Trouble" now?

  2. good case for active listening

  3. Joke an OLD Joke
    An old Indian went to a doctor for constipation.. Doc says, take 2 of these pills a day & see me in a week. Week afer week he comes back & gets asked if he has moved yet. Me no move yet the Indian says & gets sent home with more pills.
    When he returns for the 10th time the doc again asked him if he has moved yet. Me no move yet, but me move next week the old Indian says. How do you know, the doc asks.
    Ready for this:
    Me move next week cause me tee pee full of shit!

  4. Joke an OLD Joke
    An old Indian went to a doctor for constipation.. Doc says, take 2 of these pills a day & see me in a week. Week afer week he comes back & gets asked if he has moved yet. Me no move yet the Indian says & gets sent home with more pills.
    When he returns for the 10th time the doc again asked him if he has moved yet. Me no move yet, but me move next week the old Indian says. How do you know, the doc asks.
    Ready for this:
    Me move next week cause me tee pee full of shit!

  5. Why does a chicken coop have 2 doors?.....................................................................Because if it had 4 it'd be a chicken sedan


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