Saturday, May 15, 2010


Is my favorite fucking book so far this year. It's by Dan Wells. It's about a kid named John Wayne Cleaver. Named after the actor but in his obsession with serial killers he's fixated on the fact that he also has the name of the serial killer John Wayne Gacey. His Mom and Aunt have a Mortuary and he works with them (he and his mom live over the Mortuary) and is fascinated with the dead bodies. He lives in a small town which all of the sudden has a serial killer and he becomes enthralled with the idea of a serial killer in his own back yard. I won't tell you any more..but let me tell yafta read this book. The next book out is The Monster, and I can't fucking wait.

Two thumbs up, 10 stars out of 10 stars and a yafta.


  1. You might be surprised how many funeral directors live over their businesses. In the small town near where I grew up, both did.

  2. I'm glad this is a book review. When I saw this post's title, I thought it was a personal statement! I'm glad you're not a serial killer, YDG!

  3. Like Debra said, I thought you had just been read your Miranda rights.

  4. debra and made me laugh..never thought about how the title sounded coming from me.

  5. I might just have to check this book out. I have been in a weird mood lately and the last three books I have read made me cry....damn old age....I can't blame it on hormones anymore.

  6. rosemary:i cry at dr pepper i know the feeling..this book will make you laugh, and feel all sorts of feel for the kid who is fighing the monster in him and laugh at his obession with serial killers..he got so excited at one point talking about the serial killer he hyperventilated..pretty funny's kind of like a young dexter the serial killer.

  7. Well dang...thought maybe you were 'fessing up to one killing, which would of course not be a serial thing. My hope was that it was a certain conservative radio jackwad. One can only wish...C'est la fucking vie.

  8. Hey, I got to read this - since its a "yafta"... are those two thumbs up still connected to a living body?

    Sounds like an intriguing read. I haven't read anything super great lately - read Dan Brown's Lost Symbols. It was ok.. definitely not a yafta.

  9. Sounds like an interesting book. I have been reading all the Jim Butcher Dresden files books. I only have a couple left to read as soon as they get sent from the other libraries.
    I was going to ask if someone did in Capt. Crunch or the Trix rabbit, but that would be pretty lame.

  10. jadedj:with my record im surprised i didnt consider that folks would think it was a statement concerning me..hah
    intense:it's really a great read..and so is the once a spy..its a good read too.
    nitty:im not sure i know those books..but will check them out..have you read the lee child series about jack reacher? i like them a lot.kicks are for treds..(old pun on the tricks are for kids)

  11. I'll tell my better half, she's a reading machine. I was trying to get her to start a book review blog, but there just aren't enough hours in the day.

  12. I admit I had to google the jack reacher books. Sounds interesting...I'll check em out.

  13. I just ordered it. Dont know when I will have time to read it. I have a whole stack of books waiting for me to go on vacation.


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