Friday, July 23, 2010


Jessica one of Kathy's helpers took these pictures..I don't know if you can click on them and enlarge them or not.
This is the crowd that was there when I got there. There were about another 10-15 more before I finished up. I get as many as bingo ..ha
Today I am baking some cookies for a bake sale for one of the baseball teams. I'd rather be napping.


  1. Yes, the photos enlarge. Wow, you got a helluva crowd! Word has spread obviously.

  2. You DO draw a large crowd. I'm not surprised. :)

  3. You made me hungry and I pigged out on mushroom burgers and fries.
    I went to the doctor today and gained 10 pounds. It's all your fault.

  4. Someday you will serve 'em skunk eggs and bacon...and they will think they is already in heaven.


    Hope you git some rest... you've been one way busy granny of late.

  5. I feel a nap coming on..cookies are done..and just when i thought i had a nap lined up.? i remembered i have to shave some frozen red meat for the sandwiches..sigh*

  6. Your Family Day/Night is fast approaching.
    Still am wearing my Thinking Cap and it's not a pretty sight. ;0)
    They could work on making boutonniere's and small corsages made of tissue paper or some other inexpensive stuff for the residents . Then another night they could go to the rest home and safety pin them on them.
    Making cards for each of them would be a fun project too for a family to do. Then go room to room to present them to them and chat.

    Alright already.I'm changing the Thinking Cap for a Dunce Hat. ;0)

  7. The Fruit Salad looks good, hadn't had that in a while.

  8. Those Philly Cheese Steaks will taste sooooooooooo good!!


  9. I fucking love you! Fruit salad and the crowd of faithful followers!

  10. Looks like an excellent day and I hope you ended up having an excellent nap! You deserve it!

  11. You know you're popular when you get "bingo crowds!" =)

  12. I like the idea of having a Day for Fruit Salad.


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