Tuesday, August 03, 2010


I swear these are the last of the wedding pictures.I love the one with Jenny and Thom dancing. Jamie caught the bouquet and damn near ran over 4 kids to get to it.
The one of me crying was me realizing she was never going to run through the house nekkid wanting me to read Lafcadio The Lion to her again.sigh*
I hate the one of me coming down the aisle..that outfit was soo too big for me. But by the time we finally found something that she liked I didn't care what it looked like or if it fit..just get me to the wedding and get it over with .. That is Thom's step son walking me down the aisle. I told him I was going to tell him a dirty joke just as we started walking and tell him the punch line just as we got down front. He said ..'oh, that is just so wrong.'

Dexter and his I'm not posing so just leave me the fuck alone pictures.

I swear I'm getting so senile I don't know if I have posted these here or on Facebook. Sigh*
Anyhow, the big book case moved into the living room so I could make a TV stand out of it. Gives me a ton more room in the dining room. Still need to rearrange the books on the shelves, but waiting for more energy..and the 105 heat is zapping my energy.


  1. you all look lovely and happy , great pictures

  2. Luv em all.
    Emotions ran high that day as one can see by your face.
    Gr8 memories for all of you.

  3. Beautiful photos and Dexter is looking as handsome as ever! :o)

  4. I enjoy your photos! Dexter, you're a wild, wild cat!

  5. I haven't seen most of these before so if your senile then so am I as I check both places.
    That first picture of Dexter is great.
    Maybe that's because he's not looking at me.
    Who knew Jacque Sue was a cry baby.

  6. Great pics. Man it's hot here too, but after all it is August. If you get a chance check out the sky tonight, we're probably way too far South but the sun had a mass coronal ejection, the kind that can mess up satellites but can also make the Northern lights really show up.

    (After downing six Carona beers in a row, Tex ran into a stomach problem and had a mass corona ejection, all over the carpet.)

  7. Durn... another beautiful woman married...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. JackieSue.....I just love you to pieces. You made me laugh out loud for the first time since my heart screwed up. just love you.

  10. rosemary, I don't know what I said or did to make you laugh out loud..but boy am I glad I did..
    yes, I know..I'm a big wussy...just don't tell anyone, will ruin my bad ass reputation.

  11. rox (who should have remained anonymous!)Tue Aug 03, 09:26:00 PM CDT

    You posted them here. I distinctly remember it. That's because I'm still young.


    I kill me!

  12. Rox..i think i posted it on facebook..ha


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