Friday, September 24, 2010

SICK...SICK...I'M SICK ON FRIDAY..since Tuesday.

I'b been sick..I hab a code or flu or somtin'...I feel like hammered shit.


  1. Oh YDG you have such a delightful way with words! :) Hope you're feeling better.

  2. Give your code da boot!
    Hope you feel like shakin ur booty soon Jackie.

  3. Feel better soon, missy!

  4. I hope you are feeling better..atleast I am feeling better after this post.

  5. Making fun of Beck and Palin is always a win in my book.

    Get well now!!!!

  6. Sorry you're not feeling too hot. I like Stop being afraid and good day sir.

  7. holy christ, i thought it was thursday!

    i like hugo's joke, it can be used in almost any situation. if i can remember it.

  8. Hope you get ta feelin' better, Granny.

    Try that "Obamacare", I'm SURE it'll fix you right up, LMAO !!

  9. foxy:yeah, I been told that before, ha.
    shitu:my booty is shaking, feeling much better today..still icky sick, but the worse is over.
    heart:im gooder than dirt.
    sage: I am better and feeling much better that it makes u feel better.
    jp:yup, they're so easy to rag on, ha.
    tex:thanks and I am feeling better, and I love the good day sir one.
    billy:I liked that one too.
    heff:actually since 'obama care came real, all the co-pays on my meds went down..almost 1/2 the price on most of I'm really happy with it. so are my friends that have kids with pre-existing illness's.

  10. I think you've still got a fever.....

  11. tell you what Heff...You quit telling lies about my side and I'll quit telling the truth about yours.

  12. Hang in there, YDG! You'll be enjoying a skunk egg again soon. I see your illness has not stopped you from KICKING ASS though! Good for you. Loved that cartoon of Glenn Beck's padded dressing room! It's funny cuz it's true.

  13. I liked the wenches and rum and also the which one is gay one, well not liked exactly. So now the hammer gets a break. I'm sure Dexter was very put out by your illness.

  14. Man that cold sounds nasty -

    I have to say I thoroughly enjoyed all the Saran Palin ones... And have been hoping Bristol gets the boot ASAP from that supposedly "stars" dancing thing...


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