Wednesday, October 27, 2010


On top of the hassle of having to move for a week and then moving back in we also have the horror of the I-35 expansion. Judas priest..they have traffic backed up from North Loop 340 in Waco/bad to FM 1858 south of West. Which is our exit. Which means we won't be able to just take the exit to the apts. We'll have to drive further down, take the West exit and then double back..feck! I will be just a memory when they get done..10 years or so.
As usual The West Police Department, Volunteer Fire Department and West EMS are going to give away candy to area children starting at 6 p.m. Sunday. I'll try to go down there and take pictures. I always forget or am busy, so will try and get some pictures of the kids in their costumes.
Something new, the West Czech Inn is having handing out candy from 6-8 p.m. this Sunday too.
The little town of Penelope is having their annual Carnival this Saturday at their school. A turkey and dressing meal is planned for 5 p.m. along with Bingo and other games and a raffle.
West Middle School will have a Halloween dance on Saturday in the cafeteria. Admission is $5 and there will be a cash prize for the best costume. Wow, I remember us having school dances in the Cafeteria or the Gym. Long time ago.
Boy Scouts are still collecting cans at the back of St. Mary's Catholic Church. I still want to know what they do with the money.
There is a very interesting article on the front page of the paper about a couple from Axtell. They have a ghost hunting team. The Mclennan County Paranormal Investigations team. They are going to be in Leroy at the Leroy Bank. Which was part of a big scandal back in the 80's I think. The president and Bank declared bankruptcy and every one lost their money. Was really a shocker and a very sad story. The only one that did ok was the president and owner of the bank..Fancy that.
They said they have been to over 40 businesses and homes including The Hippodrome, Jasper's
s Barbecue, Waco's Civic Theater and the Dr Pepper Museum. Mike and Cindy Jacobus went to one house where the owner was being woken in the middle of the night by horrible screams and some of their smaller belongings were missing. They found 4 raccoons had broken in and were living behind the walls with a plastic bag full of their belongings. Jasper's barbecue had a shadow moving very fast and was picked up on the monitors. Civic Center had a white mist and doors slamming. The new owner of the Leroy Bank is going to remodel it and make a Lowe's Chicken Bank(really) and there have been sightings of something white passing by the windows and weird lights. Which reminds me of when I was a kid living in San Antonio and there was a haunted house out in the middle of no where. 3-story house and on the top level was a very strange and weird blue light. So me, soon to be Asshole #1, his sister and her boyfriend and (another long and even weirder story) my mother, went to check it out. It was so creepy, and my mother who kept hiding in closets and then jumping out at us had us scared shitless. We went up to the 3-rd story and we could see the eerie weird blue light shining under the door of the room at the end of the hall. We were shaking in our boots except for mother who kept making ghost sounds...'whoooo'
and "it's going to kill us all."..we finally got nerve to throw open the door and it was weird the corner of the room was a huge neon Lone Star Beer sign.
Any how after they rid the Bank of the ghosts and make it into a Chicken Bank, ole Babs and I will have to check it out.
Leann Laubert and Nathan Kaluza were married on October 16, at St. Mary's Catholic Church.
The best part of this story is they both work in Waco but will reside in West. Hot dang.
Ian Michael Volcik was born on October 6, weighing in at 8 pounds 12 ounces and 22 inches long.
West Knights of Columbus is having their 5th Annual Turkey Dinner on Halloween from 11a.m. to??? Turkey and dressing with all the trimmings for $7.00 They will also have uncooked dressing ready to freeze for Thanksgiving or Christmas available for purchase.
Strickly Country is having a Chili Cook Off on Halloween afternoon and I'm tempted to go and be a judge again. But my stomach keeps telling me no..nooo..nooooooooo.
West KC Hall is having Micky and the Motorcars on Nov.13. Wonder if that 's a oldies but goodies band?
West Trojan's football team pulled it together and won last 3 games. They are now tied for first place with Alvarado and have 2 games left. I'm not sure that Devin is playing as he hurt his wrist and has been having some health problems. He's also in deep shit for taking Inky's Jeep out with out permission or a drivers license and rolled and totaled it out. I told Anessa I would have killed him. She said the jeep can be replaced but Devin can't. I said the second I found out he wasn't hurt and was going to live? I'd have killed him.
the Lady Trojans volleyball team is going to play in Bi-District.
St. Mary's had their home coming and Alyssa Roznos and Nathan Chupik were queen and king.
The Texas Guitar Expo and Classic Car and Hot Rod show is planned for November 13 and 14 at West Fraternal Auditorium. There will be new and vintage guitars, accessories and music memorabilia along with live music. Tickets are $7 per day or $10 for both.
The Westfest membership meeting is on November 10 in the West Community Center. Fellowship is to begin at 6 p.m. with a meal at 6:45 p.m. and the meeting at 7:30 p.m. Applications requesting funding are to be approved at the meeting. Comments on the 2010 Westfest and suggestions for the 2011 even are requested. Babs pointed this out to me and said you want to see changes get involved. I want to go but I know I'll last about 30 minutes before I tell someone to fuck themselves. They don't like change and they don't realize that each year is going to have less and less crowds if they don't change. My big thing is considering that the parade we have is the largest parade per capita in the US, they should go out of their way to get some one noted to be the grand marshal. I think way back when they had Anne Richards as the parade marshal. I think because it's a Czech thing they should find some famous Czech to be the marshal. There are a bunch of Czech basketball players, tennis players and even actors. It wouldn't be so hard for them to have someone beat the bushes for some Czech that would enjoy coming to West and be reminded of their heritage. My first thought was Martina Navratilova. I don't think they'd care if she was gay or not. Most of the old farts still think it means really happy. Anyhow I'll let you know what happens.
West Food Mart has some good sales. Dr Pepper 3 12-packs for $9, and Boston Butt Pork Roast for $1.29 and 3-minute oats for .99. I love oatmeal. Community Grocery has cabbage on sale for 39 cents a pound..I love cabbage. I just like to boil it up and serve it with salt/pepper and butter. Hey, maybe I have some Czech in me. (don't even go there)
Ok..there is more news but nothing that exciting and I have to go watch the Rangers kick the Giants ass. hot diggy doggy.


  1. Hubby let me read some of your humor to him tonight.
    Even laughed.
    I shit you not!
    You talk about Czech's being dry.
    He's Irish and THICK! ;0)

  2. I love oatmeal too.

    and Dr. Pepper

    but not together.

  3. shitu:I like making hubby laugh..
    and you.
    big pissy; I don't know...dr pepper and oatmeal?....oh kay..maybe not.

  4. Oh boy! Free candy and I see Pork Butt in you and Babs future. I can see the future you know.

  5. Smelling me a little Texas barbecued Rangers...

    I may regret writing this.

  6. 7 bucks for a turkey dinner sounds great.

    i'm keeping my fingers crossed for the rangers. i still think they can do it.

  7. NITTY; there are always pork butts in our futures.
    jan:hoping that will come back to bite you in your ass.ha
    billy:they have benifits and plate dinners all the time..very reasonable and very very good.
    me too..I'm hoping the nerves will have settled down by now.

  8. OMG you always make me laugh. I wish I could fly you over HERE for the time you have to move out.

  9. I'm going to "Czech" how far it is from Waco to West. The recently married couple who are now going to commute have me intrigued. =)

  10. Given the cost of highway work - it has to take years and years of labor to get the bill into the 7-8 digits.....

    Hope you are actually enjoying the new "digs" for the week... heck.. it could happen, couldn't it?


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