Friday, December 03, 2010


Please..before it is to late.....


  1. Me thinks its too late... He never had any - nor did he ever have a plan.

  2. Feeling disillusioned, YDG? Expectations about Obama were so high when he was elected, it would be hard not to feel a little let down now.

  3. I'm glad I didn't vote for him. When he got voted in I knew there would be a lot of people who would eventually be sorry they voted for him. Now we just have to live with it. Two more years of this crap.

  4. Obama is a historical president for one reason and one reason only. He's the first president younger than me.

    I posted a link from my blog to this one.

  5. Carville noted that if Hillary gave him one of her balls, he would have one.

  6. Sadly, he was too naive. I still don't regret voting for him though. Can you imagine Palin as VP? (shiver)

  7. I really enjoyed reading the comments everyone left.

    However, I don't have an interesting one to add. :(

    p.s. I didn't vote for him.

  8. I don't regret voting for him..I just wish he was still the one I voted for..sigh*

  9. I can't say I disagree with you. I guess we did know before we elected him that he was a "compromiser"--it just sometimes seems like he's way too much of one.

  10. I agree completely. He's trying so hard to make his enemies like him that he forgot to do the things he promised for the people who voted him in.

  11. The problem is not enough of the Dems have any Cojones. Like in the Senate, if they threaten a filibuster, just say "Fine, start reading the phonebook and let everyone see what fools you are." Instead they cave in and let the Regressive Party get away with shit.
    But Obama giving away everything before the Regressives even open their mouths has got to stop. That's my proof that Obama wasn't born in Kenya. They know how to bargain and barter over there!!!!


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