Sunday, December 19, 2010



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  3. In Texas if your of age and have the's yours.

  4. You won't get no shit from me.
    I'm of the same belief as you are.
    No one needs even one AK47.
    Looks like money talks and AK's walk!

    If that report really did mention a Tiny's the one that sang Tiptoe Through The Tulips.
    Is he still alive????

  5. No wait...I came over here to read "THIS MONDAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF THE REST OF YOUR LIFE so don't fuck it up"...but, it went poof. WTF?

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  7. Hey, you covered the entire field with this post, YDG! Including parts of the field I didn't really need to go to, LOL! Bill Clinton, maybe, but Larry King? Ewwwwww!

  8. I totally agree with you re the guns.
    And thanks for the Larry King visual. NOT. ;)

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  10. jadedj:it will show tomorrow actually went up for today and I took it back down for mondays post..
    I almost made myself gag with the larry king joke.

  11. The gun thing really bothers me. Obviously, living in Canada, there are many hoops one has to go through in order to purchase a gun. My son has a couple - my ex has many more - but he's a hunter. But AK47s?! And giving them as gifts..?? How does that even work?? Our government would be all over her like white on rice, asking who they were going to and insisting on criminal background checks and the names of their last 32 sexual partners and blood tests and 68 references, and oh yeah - those references get a phone call from the RCMP. LOL Unfortunately, the only test they DON'T do is an IQ test - and that's just sad because any fucktard can jump through the hoops if someone shows them how.

    As for Larry King, I'm off to find some bleach and mental floss to get THAT mental image out, thanks very much. Eyew.


  12. Mine's a Barrett M107 ;-)

    Great post, milady!

  13. What trish said.

    Just imagining blowing Larry King made me fucking gag. Thanks for that.

  14. I once asked a Right-Winger why would anyone need a SKS(Chinese made AK-47 that sold real cheap in the 90s) that was fully automatic?? He said it was fun cutting down small trees with it.

    Of course, the AK-47s make wonderful presents to the drug gangs across the border. Almost all of their guns come from the US.

    I have owned guns since I was 12, but there has to be limits on what guns a person can own and who can own guns. The NRA thinks everybody should be able to buy anything up to and including small tactical nukes.

    As for taxes, don't you know us peons have to subsidize the rich because they do so much for us(actually it's to us and sometimes they are nice enough to use vaseline)!!

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  16. Kinda makes you wonder if the reason great empires decline and fall might have something remotely to do with minding everyone's business but their own...

  17. trish:most pawn shops or gun stores have a set of rules for buying guns..but gun shows? such got the of the gun.
    and the larry kind joke..was a fecking joke..ha
    thanks phat stu
    rox:what does anyone need a gun like that for?..a toy? a cap doesn't kill peoples.
    kulkuri: when you see that none of the large companies pay any taxes because of all the loop holes, makes me insane.
    tex:yah, but gun shows are much different.
    samm:is that you telling me to mind my own business about people and their guns?..

  18. sammy:I just read your blog..well, your side bar as there are no posts are poles apart on our thinking..not sure why you came here any answers?

  19. I wonder just how many AK-47s and the like there are in this world now - There is probably one for every man, woman and child. What would have come to pass if the money wasted on them had been used to buy books, pay teachers, build and maintain roads?

    I can hear Clinton now... I did not pull my zipper down while in the club.

    I wouldn't believe a word he says anyway - I'm a bi-partian disbeliever of any DC slime-ball.

  20. Yessiree - right here in Swampland (Houston) an arms dealer sold a BUNCH of those little automatics to a single purchaser. Guess where they ended up - in Mexico! Let's arm the drug czars, shall we?


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