Tuesday, January 18, 2011


"I was drunk." Samuel Olivo Jr., explaining his arrest on drunken-driving charges in Austin after riding a horse down Sixth Street.(Austin American-Statesman)
What more could I add to that, except..Texans' gotta love em.

"We're having a big of a barbecue because we've got no electricity. The idea is to get everyone fed who is in with our crowd, have a few tiny tipples and get back home." Brisbane resident Bob Vilgan, describing how he's coping with massive flooding(Associated Press)
Knowing the Australians like I do, I'm sure there were a lot of tipples...

"How can they tell how many people come inside each day or how much money changes hands once the curtain is drawn? Not that many customers ask for a receipt." Metje Blaak, head of a prostitutes labor union, questioning how Amsterdam authorities will enforce a new tax on brothels.(Associated Press)
I say don't charge them by the fucks, charge them one flat fee for fucking. It's a well-known procedure all over the world..It's called a marriage license.

"I'd rather be detained in America than in a class where they say 9/11 shouldn't be considered an act of terrorism."...
Former Frisco student Saad Nabeel, explaining whey he would prefer the risks of returning to the United States rather than in Muslim south Asia, where he was deported in 2009.(Dallas Morning News)
Hell there are people in this country that don't think it was an act of terrorism. They either think it was done by the government or because there were gays in the building. sigh*...


  1. Taxes on whore houses? Why don't we do that in this country?

  2. They do in Nevada, but not in Reno or Vegas(it's illegal in the two counties they are in to operate a whorehouse). The Mustang Ranch got taken over by the Feds because they didn't pay their taxes. The government couldn't run a whorehouse so they shut it down.

  3. Heh heh marriage license. Love it.

  4. Good points and excellent thoughts
    Johnina :^S

  5. You can think about comparing marriage to prostitution, but I think you can get in trouble for saying it out loud.

    The US economy collapsed when George Bush Jr got elected. 9-11 let Bush off the hook and gave him something to blame it on. Osama Bin Laden gave the US Gov't more power than anyone ever. Why can't they catch him? I personally have a friend who has met Bin Laden twice, the US could catch him if they wanted to.
    Just playing the devils advocate.

  6. 9-11 was done by the government, if you look at the evidence, it's undeniable.

    So, YDG, for the record, do you believe the governments account of what happened on 9/11?

    (Tell us straight up, no fence straddling.)

  7. straight? I think Ossama had jack to do with 9-11..I'm not sure that Bush and his cronies had anything to do with it, as I'm not sure they're that smart..but I believe that it was done by someone that had more to gain than everyone in the world hating them..like money ...who made the most money on the war?..that's who's responsible.

  8. Thanks YDG, other than me believing that Bush and his cronies were in on it, we are on the same page.


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