Monday, February 07, 2011


don't know who's team you were rooting for..but my team won...well, not MY team as I'm a Cowboys fan and they didn't even light up the board...But I had picked the Packers over the Steelers just because of their perverted Quarterback "Big Ben"..
Besides the center Scott Wells for the Packers was born right here in West. His Daddy used to be a preacher here. So that makes 2 from West that played on Championship teams. World Series and the Superbowl..hahahaha
West, Texas rocks.
I watched the game at Wolfs and by the time I got home my throat was swollen, hoarse, head stuffed up and couldn't breathe..Mother fucker. Glad I'm going to the allergist in the morning. Maybe get this stuff fixed up, because I am sick of being sick. I took some of my chili up to Inky and Anissa and made them a 'works' pizza. Both turned out really good. I had oatmeal for breakfast and when I have oatmeal for breakfast I spend the rest of the day trying to keep my blood sugar from bottoming out..I swear to the old ass is falling apart..Nothing works correctly any more..
Well, it's 2:30 and I need to get some sleep..Get up at 7 to drive to WACKO and clear across town to the drs. Hope you enjoy your Monday stumbles...I almost forgot..


  1. Gotta love the billboards, particularily the "bash yer kid against the rocks" one.(psalm 137:9)

    The "buy a slave and his kid" one (Leviticus 25:44/45) is another reason why I have concluded the O.T. is nothing more than an Jewish fantasy novel.

  2. West, by Goddess, Texas -- home of champions! Great gags this morning but if I had to pick just one fave, it would be the FSM one -- "He boiled for your sins" -- LOL!

    I hope the allergist can pinpoint all your allergies and give you relief so you can get back to enjoying a full and active life again!

  3. Since I didn't have a dog in the fight, so to speak, I was rooting for a good game so I was happy. I love the cat with unmet needs and of course the Putin meme

  4. Good morning Jackie Sue,

    You had a bunch of good ones today.

    If I had to pick one, I'd say the schools to prisons.

    Hope you're feeling better.

  5. It was a good game after all, but it looked like in the second half the Packers were determined to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory!!

    Another batch of good ones, like the kid says "Mommy says Republican is another word for Fucker." For years I've been calling them FuckingRepublicans because they've been fucking me all my life.

  6. I hope the allergist can help you feel better - much better!

    did you hear Palin's patenting of her and Bristol's name was rejected because she filled the form out wrong - yeah, she had to hire a lawyer to get the application re-done. I hope it is still "F"'ed up and/or just gets rejected permanently.

    I had a good chuckle at the "Church of the Flying Spagetti Monster".

  7. Time out kitty looks exactly like Kamir! Exactly!

    I hope the allergist can help you out girl. You're a hot mess! LOL!

  8. I picked the Packers too. They are a great team. I cannot root for the Steelers as long as they keep that misogonist as quarterback.

  9. I am sitting at work, struggling to get through my Monday, and I was trying to think of things that would help make my day better, so I came here.

    Glad I did.

    I will be thinking about the Hef one all day long!


  11. I always leave your site with a huge grin wrapped all over my face - I just love that one of the cats and Peter Pan's shadow!

  12. Sports are a great diversion from the things that really matter.
    Take care of yourself!

  13. Haha, I absolutely love how funny all these pictures are! I'm tempted to ask how you find them all! :)

  14. I only do the putin ones for me and jan..

  15. Hey, the shout-out to Scott Wells from West, Texas was cool! Scott played O-line for the Vols for four years, and despite his size and speed was a standout in the SEC.
    We're proud of him, and Clifton played alongside him in Knoxville, too. Glad they got rings!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to