Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Yes, I'm back. I've been busy cleaning up after your wars and trying to start romances around this weird little planet of yours. It seems it's much easier for the people of your planet to fight than it is to fuck. Which makes no sense to me. I realize my motto is 'if you can't lay 'em, slay 'em."...But really it's just a joke folks..I'm taking a little R&R at the Yellowdog's and will take in a few skunk eggs and some kolaches. I'll say one thing about this little hole in the wall town...they make some good grub. I know the Yellowdog is obsessed with Dublin Dr Pepper, but I much prefer Big Red. Tasty ..mighty tasty. I'll be here for a few days..so if you have any questions you'd like to ask..go right ahead..I'll have your answers this Saturday. Go in peace people of Earth..and remember..fuck..not fight.


  1. Are there other life forms in the universe? Or are we pretty much it?

  2. Hello Goddess. The Yellowdog told me to ask what is in my heart if I met a Goddess so......are they real?

  3. Where do all the flies go in Winter?

  4. Did you know how much I wished I had brought flowers when I came face to face with your image at the Royal Ontario Museum? I noticed other women being drawn towards you, too.

    We know you are back.

  5. Goddess, why does this site ask for a username and password every time I come here???

  6. Since the JayDubyaz didn't have an answer, maybe you can help me out here: Why are there more horse's asses in the world than horses?

  7. did the nephilim build pyramids and all that other big stuff around the planet?

  8. Are gummy worms both sexes like earth worms are ?
    A screwed up mind wants to know.

  9. Hey Goddess:

    I like your attitude...

    Maybe you could come for an evening or two and stir up some old ashes?

    And bring a few Big Reds while you're at it?

  10. I've always wanted to know: Are humans still evolving or are we all done?

  11. Is Jerry Jones cursed?

  12. I know you dont like sports questions but I have been waiting for season tickets for the NE Patriots for over 15 years. This year I get them. the day after I paid for them the owners lock them out. Is this a sign of bad luck coming my way?

  13. That username and password thing is for the two pictures on the right - is/was the link to the webcams broken?

    Sorry I missed ya Goddess - If you could work out an answer to why folks fight instead of make love - I'd like to hear it.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to yellowdoggranny@yahoo.com.....