Thursday, March 17, 2011


As a Pagan I find it really hard to get behind celebrating a man that was responsible for riding Ireland of Pagans. When they talk about St. Patrick chasing the snakes out of Ireland, they were referring to Pagans. So now we celebrate a man who is responsible for the death of thousands of people. Yah? well fuck you patty and your cudgel.


  1. Haaaaaaaaaaaa, well, there's a new take I never realised! Being a total heathen meself, I don't really give a damn about any excuse for a celebration, but I'll raise a glass to the martyrs sacrificed in his name tonight!

  2. Does that mean we shouldn't use it as an excuse to get drunk?

  3. Just another guy doing "god's work" - yeah right!

  4. I think St. Patrick certainly converted a lot of Irish but I'm not sure if a lot of them were killed during the process. Didn't they wait until everyone was Christian before they started killing each other with wild abandon?

  5. he may not have been personally responsible for the death of pagans..but many people that wouldn't convert were not treated well, and some were kilt.then they became christians and they started killing everyone..ha

  6. And then he was declared a saint by his cowhores, er horts.

  7. i suppose there's a chance that none of this is true. but what the fuck, it's st paddy's day, let's have some fun.

  8. Eating my corned beef and cabbage dinner tonight.
    I don't give a shit what who did.

  9. Ya learn something new everyday!
    Hell, all this time I thot he was the guy that tootled all the mice out of Dublin with his flute...or something.
    Chill out - it's just another excuse to get drunk and watch basketball!

  10. Another time and near sighted individuals. The way things are going we are headed back to burning people at the stake.

  11. Maybe that's why they use green, for the rotting flesh!

  12. That's why I like St. Urho's day Mar. 16. It's a made-up holiday started by a Finn in Minnesota. St. Urho chased all the grasshoppers out of Finland and saved the grape crop so they could make the wine to celebrate with!!

  13. So, let me get this straight. You're not a fan of Saint Patrick?

    I kid!

  14. Gasp!

    Well, I no longer drink Guiness (or anything else) anyway..


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