Saturday, March 12, 2011


6 years ago to day I put finger to keyboard and wrote my first post..something along the lines of I was virgin at this and hoped I didn't fuck up...these are a few of the awards that have been given me..I keep forgetting to put them up..and lost some of the others. Don't remember who gave them to me but thank you very much. I remember when I first started I some times posted 3-5 posts a day. Back when I would put the posts in an email, and Babs or Sooner would transcribe them to my blog as my computer had broke down and was using the one at the library which are slower than snails fucking. I remember Sooner telling Babs I sure was one prolific mother fucker.ha. I miss Sooner..I miss when we were all over at the other place and we had the Friday party's at Sooner's bar and grill. I think it was Sooner town or something. I ran the Blue Bell Ice cream parlor...ah ..the good ole days.. Before we all got tossed out for bad language, bad attitude and just general assholeness. I think my last post was titled ADIOS MOTHER FUCKERS...The 2 owners got pissed at me cause I kept referring to them as Neil and Bob..took them a couple of weeks to figure it all of you that have been here from the beginning and the ones that have been here after wards...Goddess bless you all. In the immortal words of Billy Pilgrim ..I love you sonsabitches.


  1. Happy Anniversary. Yours is a few months ahead of mine.

    I've enjoyed your words, your cartoons, you hots for Putin.

  2. Happy blogiversary, YDG!!! I hope you have many more. (You have me beat by a year - I'll celebrate my 5th next Wednesday).

  3. I just checked and the earliest entry I had on Blogster that is still there is March 18th 2005 so I'm not far behind. You have a few more posts than me though. Happy Anniversary!

  4. Auguri e complimenti cara - through this I found you and that beats the hell out of all the wonderful jokes, snarky - but appropriate - post and pictures. Got me a friend in West out of all this!

  5. Happy Anniversary! Mine is in April!

  6. Happy 6th Anniversary.
    Many more to you so that I am the viewer and reader of SOME GOOD SHIT!!! ;0)

  7. Hey, I missed six years?

    Glad I found you & congratulations, Yellowdog Granny!

  8. Congrats, hope you do this for many more years!!

  9. Happy Anniversary! I can't remember when mine started, I'd have to go back to my old LJ posts that are stored on a disc somewhere to find the dates. Too damn long, I know that! LOL!

  10. i miss that english guy who drove the australian asshole crazy. i think the english guy was named steve and the australian guy was gerry. those were the days my friend...

    quoting me.

    so i got that going for me too, which is nice.

  11. I love you too biatch ; )

  12. Happy Anniversary YDG!! I can't wait to see what you put up in the next 6 years!!

    Hopefully it will NOT include any Palin as President stumbles. :)

    And hopefully it WILL include a lot of great stories coming from West, Texas.


  13. Unfortunately I missed about 5 of those 6. Just think, you're really just getting warmed up. Although, I don't know how you are going to top that vision I now have of two slow fucking snails. Somehow, I know you will ;-)

    One of the best things I ever ran across was this blog!

  14. Happy 6th Blogoversary, YDG! May you keep blogging for many, many more! Your posts are always a bright spot in my day! Hugs to you!

  15. thanks for all of you..makes my old pagan heart warm..which reminds me..think we're do from a Visit from the Goddess..question time.

  16. Sweet! Coming up on mine, too. It's too bad some of your best Bush rants are gone...What's with Blogger & older posts? It eats the pics on some & the entire thing on some of the originals - WTF

  17. I remember the "other place". I use to tell those guys what a douche Bush was and how Iraq had nothing to do with 9-11. They gobbled up Bush shit all day long and thought the war in Iraq was wonderful. I left right after you, Sooner and a few others did, Blogger is much better.
    Six years? Time goes by so quickly.
    Happy Anniversary!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to