Friday, April 15, 2011

draggin ass Friday.

IT ROCKED.... will do a post on it when I get the pictures..right now? I'm taking a well deserved and much needed fucking nap..I could actually do with just the fucking part and pass on the nap, but that's another story.


  1. Poor democracy. Right in the kernackers again.

  2. My file of kick ass action heros grows.

  3. I like Welcome to America 5% of the worlds population 25% of the worlds prisoners. No wonder we're broke!

  4. it seems like yesterday that you guys and russia were in an arms race now you guys are outspending them 12 to 1.

    does that mean russian won the arms race or lost the arms race?

  5. First they made up the "Cold War" and now the "War on Terror" to keep extravagant expenditures going to the "ultimate disposable goods" (i.e., bombs) - what a waste... how many people could have been "properly" educated with all those trillions?

  6. sad when we get our truth from the comics..


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to