Wednesday, April 27, 2011


nothing left for them to do except just go ahead and say it...


  1. Not just that, he's from some foreign country like Hawaii. Everbody knows it's jest one ah dem places owned by a cruise line anyway.

  2. I just saw a post with a copy of his birth certificate. People...people...if the man was white with some whitebread name, no one would question his birthplace.

    I hate the people who hide behind stupid arguments.

  3. Granny, Granny...

    Where he was born has never been the real issue. That's always been a smoke and mirrors diversion.

    It's always been about his Dad.

    Read my latest post.

    And by the way, I am not a "birther". I've just followed the issue with interest because of the Constitutinal issues involved.

  4. this hole thing is degrading and disrespectful to him, but i doubt they will shut they are going after his education...nice to know that Harvard just gives out degrees for nothing LOL

  5. The thing that's always struck me as bizarre is the way no one points out a simple fact: it doesn't matter where the fuck Obama was born, his mother was a US citizen -- and the law says that for persons born when he was, all it took was one parent who was a citizen (the law has since changed, btw). The birthers have spent over 2 years and a whole lot of energy wasting everyone's time trying to prove a totally irrelevant fact. You really do have to wonder just what planet all those delusional loons (birthers) are from.

  6. With everything else going on, why do the birthers worry so. It shows them to be really stupid when they don't recognize Hawaii as a state.

  7. Twain12 is right -- their latest line of attack seems to be that Obama was a crappy student who must only have gotten into Harvard because of affirmative action. Just another way to disparage him because he's black without saying race is the issue.

  8. Don't be too rough on us Birthers, it's only natural to hope that the worst president ever is from a different country than our own.
    BTW, his color makes no difference to me.
    Also, even if the document is real, that still leaves the questions.
    Why did he spend two million dollars on lawyers fighting the release of his birth certificate? and
    Did he give up U.S. citizenship to become an Indonesian and go to school there? and
    What is his real name?
    Barry Soetoro?
    I haven't watched the news today, has he started any more wars?

  9. You are right. Our President is not old, rich and white. Yipee!

  10. Gee, Tex I thought Bush was born in the U.S. You did say the worst President ever didn't you?
    I think it's more that he is half white than that he is black. That really seems to bother some people.

  11. he isn't black! he's light brown.

    doesn't his mother ever get credit for giving birth to a president? we only hear about the black half.

  12. Granny...

    You wish to stay uninformed?

    Be my guest.

  13. Nan...

    Both parents of a United States president must be citizens. Read the Constitution... It has not been changed.

  14. You guys should go read Bob's post, it makes total sense, it even explains the two million dollars in legal fees, trying to keep people from looking at the birth certificate. You can all fact check it, I'm going to, it's very interesting.

  15. I have read the constitution The requirements for being President are:

    * 35 years old or older
    * Must be a natural-born U.S. citizen
    * Must have lived in the United States for fourteen years

    here is a bit of ambiguity in some of these requirements. First, the definition of "natural-born" is a matter of law, and, hence, interpretation. For example, the child of American citizens who happened to be overseas when the child was born is considered natural-born. A child born in an acquired U.S. territory (such the U.S. Virgin Islands) is considered a citizen at birth as determined by law. To be safe, a person is eligible to be President if that person was born in a state after the date of statehood. If a person was born in a territory or overseas, one should check the U.S. Code (Title 8) to be sure. Next, there is no clarity on the 14 year requirement. Few think that it means 14 consecutive years inside the United States, as that would likely disqualify many citizens who traveled abroad or who lived in military bases. Some think it should mean 14 accumulated years from birth, including time in U.S. military bases, embassies, and off-shore offices of U.S. corporations. It may take a Supreme Court decision to set the rule in stone.

    Note that there is no restriction in terms of gender, race, class, social standing, or any other classification, for President or Vice President.

    It says nothing the about parents citizenship or origin.

    Some people should go to this site
    it has teaching guides from Kindergarten level up.

  16. The most historical thing about Obama has nothing to do with skin color. The most historical thing about Obama is that he is the first president in the history of the USA to be younger than me!

  17. @Nit Wit, thanks for pointing out what I thought was common knowledge!! Both of your comments!!

  18. Bob, you're a willfully ignorant ass. The constitution only says the president has to be a natural citizen and at least 35 years old; it says nothing about parentage or place of birth. The Congress sets the rules for determining what is a natural citizen, and they've changed those rules several times in the past century. At the time Obama was born all it took was one parent, they didn't have to be married, and place didn't matter. Now it takes two, but that change was made in the 1980s.

  19. Instead of tearing down the President of your country, wouldn't it be in all your best interests to try to help the poor bastard out? Or is that the "American Way?" For a country that has no health care, low employment, and an enormous amount of debt, you'd think you could set this petty shit aside and be grateful that someone is willing to step up and at least TRY to dig y'all out of the fucking mess your last president drug you into.

    Oh waitaminute, some of y'all actually like that dimwitted embarrassment!

    Some of you Americans need to get your heads out of your asses and into the fucking game. Your sinking. Fast.

    Not so polite in Canada.

  20. 300,000,000 Americans and we still can't get good presidents... (in either party).

    There is something wrong with the system...

    I'd like to suggest something - if a voter can't name the current office holder for any office they are voting for - they shouldn't be able to vote for that office.

    A little voter education / participation would go a long way. (or a lot of offices would go empty if not enough votes are cast for it.)

  21. I love it when I make a point and the ones with the pointed heads don't get it and don't think I was talking about them.sigh
    is anyone having trouble with finding this post?..

  22. No trouble YD G. Also I want to say, you are a more tolerant person than I. I would have deleted and banned the talking heads commenting here long ago.

    Roxrocks nailed the prevailing damned atmosphere of our country..."heads up our asses." I for one am fed up and have no desire to enter into a one-sided "dialog" with right-wing mush-heads.

    Basically, "fuck you birthers", says it all for me.

  23. I don't know about 'bob' never knew why he came here at all..we're miles apart on everything..tex I've known for years..and we were aok about every thing until obama got elected..he's always been a conspiracy theorist, but now he's drank the kool-aid, slipped into the tinfoil hats and become a birther..fuckme.


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