Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday, Monday SO GOOD TO ME


  1. What kind of gong show is American politics when both Donald Trump and Sarah Palin are candidates for the Republican nomination?

  2. 300 million Americans and the best we can do are Donald Trump and Sar(I can't even bring myself to type her name)lin?

    I'm writing in YDG.

  3. Funniest Vlad ever. I swear he poses for the caption.

  4. The firstaid box with the republician lock on it?

    Makes me wonder how long it will take for some folks to finally realize it was Obama and his plan that took a half-trillion dollars away from Medicare, not the Repubs.

  5. Congressional Bipartisanship. That's my favorite. I thank God for Palin and Trump and hope they can screw up the Republican nomination for at least another year. I also hope people keep giving Backman and the Tea Party a voice so they can keep fragmenting the Republican party.

  6. @ Debra She Who Seeks
    The same kind that elects its movie stars. It's a popularity contest.
    Americans don't vote for the best candidate, they vote for who they think is going to win.

  7. I love those little piggies!!

    Garbage Palin Kids = saved for future post Palin post! :D bwahahhaa.

  8. Didn't mean to write "post" twice, meant to write postS, plural.

    Lord, I need more coffee.

  9. Those little pigs? Cutest things EVER!


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