Saturday, April 23, 2011


I think the kids had a good time and I know the old folks enjoyed having them come out..they are just so appreciative to anyone that takes time out of their daily life to come spend time with them.
The books on the table and the autographed picture of Roy Campanella are all from my collection. I got up and told them the story about how all the other kids my age wanted to be firemen or policemen, or nurses and Dr.'s and I wanted to be a black baseball player..I wanted to be Roy Campanella,who was the catcher for the Brooklyn Dodgers, and that's who and what I wanted to be. sigh*

the peanut warmer was a really great thing to have. They really enjoyed having to crack open the peanuts and eat them out of their bag. They liked the popcorn a lot, but man, the home made Cracker Jacks were such a big hit. People were eating 3-4 helpings. . Joe got a big kick out of me telling him that I was dedicating the song Wild Thing to him and then sang 'wild thing, I think I love you.'..he had to give me a hug for that. But then he loves getting and giving hugs for any occasion.

Me telling them about the teams and players. In telling stories about some of the players Ella the lady with one leg and doesn't speak up much, told us a story about meeting Brook Robinson in Houston. We all just stood there with out mouths open..She rarely talks.Or at least she doesn't talk much around me.

That's Ella to the left of Bonnie and Joe in the background eating his 3rd bag of cracker jacks..Bonnie stayed right to the end and even stayed while we cleaned up singing along to the music. I told her to let them know and she could play the cd any time she wanted to. The music I download has been a great boon to them. They really do like it.
as you can see ..we all had a great time. Was going to do Cinco De Mayo but there's a hitch in that so it may be a sock hop..not sure yet..but what ever it is..we'll have a good time.


  1. I get to be first again. I knew the stalking would pay off one day.
    Looks like they had a great time.

  2. High FIVE!!!
    Fantastic job all of you did to make this a memorable day!

  3. The photos are wonderful and you look great in your baseball gear! I love how everyone wanted extra helpings of your homemade cracker jack. And see how you're making connections to all of them -- it's so touching that even Ella opened up and shared her baseball memories. I bet that was big for her and shows how you've created a safe and fun space for everyone.

  4. Great stuff, I admire you so much YDG.

  5. Oh, it looks to have been a great, fun and memorable day - so much joy there Jackie - Happy Easter dear lady!

  6. You inspire me, when I do work for the community, it's like roadside cleanup or painting historical buildings, nothing anybody appreciates.
    Your work is enjoyed immediately and you are immediately rewarded. And you get to have fun!

  7. I think Roy Campanella would have been proud of ya...

  8. Don't know what you are using for blogger, but on mine after I download a picture to blogger, I can click on the picture and size it and also write a caption by clicking on caption. Altho sometimes then I have trouble going back to doing regular text. I'm using google blogger advanced.

  9. Cara every time I read one of these posts I think how much joy is brought into lives by what you people do and it renews my faith in people. You are a great group of people giving to these people, most of whom have given all their lives, be it God, Goddess or whatever but bless every one of you.

  10. I still think I get more out of it than they do..all I know is I have a great time, watching them have a great time. I think I should buy me a full catchers outfit..just for the hell of it..ha..
    I made another batch of crackerjack, and it's better this time ...sigh*..anyone want the recipe..let me's really not all that hard to make..
    thanks Willym.

  11. Posting and the picture look like all went well.
    I use to know a lady who made home made cracker jacks and total forgot about them.
    Maybe I can fine them on the net.

    Talking about things what we want to be when we where younger. Well back in mid sixties my firt grade teacher asked and I said an "astronaut" well it went over like a lead bloon.

    Coffee is on.

  12. anyone that wants the crackerjacks recipe..let me's easy peasey once you get it down.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to