Monday, July 04, 2011

happy fucking fourth-- Monday to you

I got new chews..I call them my lady Frankenstein's..they are really cute for diabetic shoes. $147 for shoes and over $200 for inserts..all paid for thank you Medicare and Medicaid.
It's hotter than a goat with 2 dicks's 5:30 and still over 100. Marissa and I had a slumber party for 2 last night. I made home made pizza, and was going to make crackerjacks but I plum forgot. Then Dexter went missing for 5 fecking hours and damn near scared me to death. So he's grounded today..and will take a picture of his pillow that a lady made for cute..except he won't sleep on it..he acts like it's fixing to attack him and won't go near it..silly cat. Going to take Anissa to house of Satan tomorrow and help Jamie with Bingo and serving butkas and juice. so? Happy 4th of July and hope you have a great time. Drive safe..


  1. I bet Dexter was out wining and dining a new girlfriend, the little bugger. Your new shoes look great and I'm sure must be comfy with the inserts.

    Great gags this morning -- my fave is the "poison in the drink" one.

    Happy 4th of July, YDG!

  2. Nice shoes! It's cold'd love it!

  3. Really cute shoes!

    Education in Utah - have you really looked at education in Texas. Take the past years and bring them much further down. Oh, but I forgot - we have nothing but brain surgeons in Texas schools who only need to know how to pass a test. How silly to worry about math, science and the proper English.

    Sound bitter?

  4. So are you planning a new wardrobe around the new red shoes?

  5. My mom was so comfortable in sneakers that she often joked about adding sequins to them for those special occasions.
    Just thought I'd plant THAT idea in your head m/f. :0)
    Sending you the Happy Feet Dance.

  6. Looks to me like what the X generation is wearing. But I guess we have to what it takes.

  7. Wouldn't you know it! I couldn't leave well enough alone and went over the jokes again.
    Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Now you have me WONDERING! :0(
    Did she or didn't she...that is the question.

  8. Wow... now, that IS hot!!! And so is the undrownable lady... LOL!

    Hope you had a great Fourth of July.

  9. I volunteered at wrh for 4th of july..handed out butka's and dr peppers..found out one don't mess around with their talking, no laughing, no nothing..just play.
    I had a great time.also using the wed posts to post a card..I love them so much.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to