Friday, October 14, 2011


ahh, Friday..the gateway to the weekend. Have some pictures to post from Monty and he's working on the memory post..although now he's talking about a book...holy shit. Lucky for me the statue of limitations works well for me on any thing I did back in the early 70's...Although I do wonder what ever happened to the cowboy who wanted to snort on my flanks and nip my withers..I could use some good ole nipping. Have a great weekend.


  1. Love that Fran Lebowitz quotation and the Reasons to Fear Canada. Yes, FEAR US!!!!

  2. Reasons to fear Canada was my favorite too!
    Dangit, I wanted to be the first poster!

  3. I hope Canada arrests George Bush while he's there.

    Imagine what useful and good things could be done with all that $$$$ being thrown away in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, and next on the list Iran?

  4. Some funny horny stuff today.

  5. I love the fran smart smart..I like the paint me like your french women.

  6. Read a MLM leaflet once where "B.R. in Dogpatch, IA" claimed to have made something like $100 million his first month - I dunno WTF he was selling, but I'll bet it was crack, not overpriced vacuums.
    Between sampling the product for "quality" purposes, of course.

    "Pentagon" rocked!
    So did Bank CEO & "things from the 70s...ROCK ON!


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