Wednesday, October 12, 2011

roses r red violets r blue, here's a hump..just for you

Yeah, grow a vagina.


  1. I'm laughing loudly here in the office and folks is looking at me.

    But durn, can't you just hear Betty White saying that???!

    Kinky as a cheap garden hose... LMAO!!

  2. Betty is my hero. She was on Ferguson the other night and said she was running for President because she was broke, again.

  3. I like the one about your mom saying I could keep the dead dog.

  4. Forgive me Father, but I have stole again. ;0)
    Oh..that's right. How can I steal something if it's already been stolen. :0)
    THX for leaving the goodies out Jackie.

  5. You outdid yourself this time. Betty White is a crackup.

  6. 1. I love Betty White. Always have and always will.

    2. The weed in the pill container...GENIUS.

    3. I am obsessed with the pictures from the 50's and their snarky captions.


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