Wednesday, November 02, 2011

HUMP DAY, a hop skip and a jump from Friday

I think I was bit by a Tse Tse fly..all I do is sleep...zzzzzzzzzzz


  1. Good ones today, I' stealing the napkin religion one.

    Also, H202 is hydrogen peroxide and won't kill ya. Or else I didn't get it...

  2. The cat with the cat bed...totally true!

  3. Yeah, but all those Thought Police are dues-paying PBA members (largest & most powerful "public service" union in America) so it's all good.

    The fatal mistake of "the 99%"/OWS was following the money trail & finding out the bankers at the end of it had names that ended in -stein, -ovich and -berg...That moved them to the top of the Establishment (s)Hit-list.

  4. Why are my comments not going through on Blogger? Or are they?

  5. Oh, now i have to sign in with them? What a pisser.

  6. Nat loved the Playboy Kittie one. Hydrogen Peroxide will kill you. The stuff they sell at the drug store is only 2% mixed with H2O. Met Goldwater once. Funny how the Republicans don't idolize him or Eisenhower like they do Reagan.

  7. thanks for taking me over the hump!!

  8. You know my issues with the "gov'ment" so the protecting and serving the shit out of you is by far my fav.

    Keep 'em coming Granny.

  9. I'm with Grangma K.

    All hail the lord Napkin!

  10. Haha!


    He probably should have said "also"...


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