Monday, December 05, 2011

Sunday loss makes for a Blue Monday

fiddle fuck!


  1. Sorry about the Cowboys, but they are still the best of my teams...Yeah, I know: Not saying much when the other is the Dolts.
    Why don't they save those GMOs for making biodiesel, which can also be made from compost?
    BTW, board of health regulations mandate throwing food away, instead of giving it to the hungry - what a freaking crock!

    The one about Thomas Jefferson rules!

    The one about December 25 was so damn good it's my new wallpaper!!!

  2. These are all simply STELLAR but my fave is the definition of "slut." Have a great week, YDG!

  3. You've been a busy little grannny. When the Cowboys lose you pick on everyone.

  4. Really needed these this morning. Thanks!

  5. Great Line up of images. I am poaching the turkey shot in the frozen food section. Made my gut bust.

    Tough day for the Cowboys. Now that I have had enough years to purge my hatred of them having grown up as a Redskins fan, I kinda sorta feel bad for them.

    If nothing else I feel for you.

  6. I love them all but especially the parenting handbook one.

  7. Ah so many laffs (and so many oh my, I hope that never happen(s)/(ed)!

    I think I'll just focus on the laffs... the dread I feel today is enough to cause a heart attack.

  8. Let see...
    “Every Generation Needs a New Revolution”...I don't know if every generation needs a new revolution but something needs to be done...if nothing is done sooner or later there going to be a wider divide between the halves and halves not.
    Thomas Jefferson is one of my favorite president and right up to him is Theodore Roosevelt.

    Armed tea parties or OWS protestors...I've always thought beating a tea parties people wouldn't do bit of good there about dunce as Turkey.

    The numbers...So the taxes are cut..It doesn't matter what we do big corp they will move off shore..Well one way to collect some money from them is charge outrages tariffs. Hit them in pocket for moving off shore.

    I figure three is enough to comment on.
    Coffee is on.

  9. The No Cops at the armed rally and the plenty of cops at the unarmed rally reminds me that the purpose of USA's right to bear arms is so the citizens can protect themselves from the government when it goes corrupt.

  10. Lots of food-related jokes this time...

    Or else I'm just hungry.

  11. You sure know how to pick em ... this stuff really had me stomach muscles in high gear from laughter!


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