Thursday, January 05, 2012

what the hell is going on with me..

these are new years eve pictures taken at Wolf's..the top one is me showing the little star I had put on the end of my nose. I'm sure there was a perfectly good reason for me putting a star on the end of my nose..but I'd already had 2 diet cokes by then and the caffeine was starting to effect my reasoning.
the second one should be titled ..Madonna your fucking heart out. See I don't need to drink a 6-pack to do stupid shit. Plus I have perfect recall and didn't threaten to kick one persons ass. Like my friend  reminded me about being crazy and not drinking..You can't detox crazy...The third one I do believe I'm praying for all the mother fuckers to put their cigarettes out before I'm forced to do it for them..on their forehead.  The fourth one is me a Julio Jr.'s wedding. Julio's daddy is one of my favorite people in West. I call him my favorite Mexican. Or panoche lablias.The next one is me and Christopher, who loves me..or lets put it this way. He loves me because of my ability to make the best pecan pie in Texas. The boy..dooo love my pecan pies. I made one for him for Christmas and then made one for him on his birthday on Dec. 31st. But I entrusted it to Jessica and William(David Oden's daughter and husband) to take it to him..For some reason it arrived 2 slices short of a full pie. Which is going to be my new expression for someone not quite wrapped to tight. The last one is me trying on hats at Family one looks more ridiculous than me in hats. I have to be kind..a pin body has bulked up to make up for the huge tits but my head has stayed the same size. So hats do not become me. 
and I don't think with the exception of me in Wolf's I have ever remembered to take my damn sunglasses off my glasses and look like some sort of  giant bug with 2 sets of eyes...
well..that's all for now..more to come..I'm perfectly legal now..My truck has 4 new tires and fully inspected. I'm dragging Babs to Wacko to go to HEB..I'm sure it will be an diggity.


  1. I was going to ask if that was the yellow star of Texas on your nose, but I think something got lost in the translation at the border. It might be a rose. Not on your nose in Texas. Well anyway you sure aren't 2 slices short of a full pie, YDG!

  2. Great photos! I'm not a hat person either, so I feel your pain.

  3. Thanks for the photos! They are great.

  4. Whenever you mention your pecan pies I get hungry. Do you share recipes?

  5. I love these kind of posts. I don't think you look too bad in that hat, and your glasses look like they have butterfly wings.

  6. 'cause you iz a star lady... you iz!!!

  7. Aww, you look so darn cute, and especially so with that star! Looks like it was a fun old time, and considering you don't smoke or drink alcohol, how cheap is it to take you out for the night? (Grin)

  8. You're looking great!!!

    LOL @ two slices short of a full pie.

    Happiness is having a fully legal truck.

  9. I'm so far behind in the blogosphere, I think I'm first! LOL!
    Great to hear you're on the road again...mind you, I didn't realize you weren't.


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to