Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Do me a favor...take a long long look at that face..I'll give you plenty of time...take your time...

you look at it good?
Now tell me..does that look like a face that gives a fuck what you think?...



  1. I like the picture, sorry I understand your reasoning behind the picture but I think you look pretty, but then I love you and think your perfect, tell Bob to say hi to the devil when goes back to where he's from! You rock Woman!

  2. Are having boyfriend troubles?

  3. Oooooooo Bobareenie, don't even THINK of pissing off the Yellowdog! Hahahahaha!

  4. OK, I'm obviously late to this party. WTF is going on?

  5. Bob messed with the best, and the best don't mess.

  6. Go for it! Your not bad, and the bad don't mess.

  7. I gotta remember to check the Blogs. I'm missing all kinds of fun. :P

  8. Why did I guess the ending?:)

    Should we start giving a fuck about SOME things?

  9. What the hell is he trying to say anyway?

  10. basically I think Bob thinks women in American have it easy because we don't have to wear a veil and get treated worse than dogs..that we have nothing to complain about..yeah, ok..
    I let his comment stay because I wanted more than just me to know what a jackass he is..

  11. I can't handle things on my face either! I love the cartoon yelling seriouly at your alarm clock! Thats so me so I stoled it! You know thats my word, and the one with the girl and bc. Get some sleep girl

  12. is that tex's dog you're talking about?

  13. hell no Leo...I love Tex's dog Bob..hell I love ole Tex too.

  14. Hmmm....

    So that's how you handle someone with a different viewpoint.

    That's really too bad. I may disagree with some of your ideas and convictions, but I certainly respect your right to have them.

    Do you actually disagree that American woman are among the most fortunate on earth?

    Just what is wrong with pointing out that American women can go out alone, own property, drive a car, dress anyway they please, get a good education, have a great career, and totally support themselves in style and comfort?

    How is it that American women have it so much worse off? Worse off than who?

    I was pointing out what I considered as obvious about the girl with the sign. She was indeed campaigning for things she already has, and making threats to an enemy that no longer exists, and thst if she wants to devote herself to womans rights, to do it where it will actually make a difference... In a place where women have none.

    The American male is no longer the slave-driving, whip wielding, racist, sexist, homophobe of a hundred years ago.

    Except for maybe a few backward dickwads and a few politicans... in both parties. Don't paint them all with the same brush.

    My point - totally missed by your entire choir - was: If your going to blast away at a perceived enemy, at least pick the right target.

    Nice picture.

  15. I didn't miss the point and neither did anyone else..we all can read and watch the news..just because a woman isn't in chains doesn't mean she's not being held down..when every day there is another law presented and passed to take away rights from women. If we don't take up signs and protest we'll be right in the same category as women In Arabic country's. And I left your first comment stand as well as this one..your entitled to have your own view..but I don't think your right ..not as long as they are passing laws to dictate what we can do with our bodies.

  16. oh and thanks ..that's one of my favorite pictures of me too.

  17. I appreciate that. I've never banned anyone for any commment on my blog.

    Agreed on the issue of new laws and regulations. The government, local, state or federal, has no business telling anyone what they can do with - or to - their bodies.

    But it's just not women this government wants to enslave, it's all of us.

    And we don't have to agree on eveything to join forces to protect our liberties, our freedom of choice.

    And when I say "government" I mean all of them in it. Republicians, Democrats, Progressives, Socialists, Marxists - we've got them all - up in Washinton wanting to run our lives.

    We shouldn't be fighting each other just becuase we are on different sides of the fence. It's still the same pasture. We should be concentrating on the bastards trying to burn down the barn.

  18. now there's something we can agree on....which is much better than fighting.

  19. A passionate YDG gets me all excited.



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