Thursday, April 12, 2012


Please..give me strength. Keep me from going Jackiesue on the manager of my apartments and the owner. If you were to look up asshole owner and flunky, their pictures would show right up.
Oh Kay!'s the deal.(then tell me if I am right or batshit)...When I first moved in there was a $150 deposit for pets and we could pay it rush she says, any amount you want she says..Which I do..I think I owed $50 when the new ones took over. New deposit is $250 and has to be paid up front. Nothing was said about the ones that were still paying on the deposit. Then I started getting $10 late charges..I said what the fuck? I pay my rent on the 3rd every month, period.She said.oh you were supposed to pay what you owe on the pet deposit, so they are charging you a late fee. I said don't you think it would have been legally correct to tell me this in writing so I could have a chance to pay it off? I can't pay it off if I don't know I have to ..So I paid it off and told her to tell them to take their late fees and shove them up their asses..nothing more was said. Then one month, the (old )manager says you have an overage..we owe you damn..ARE YOU SURE?????....go double check and make sure..a week later she tells me ..nope we owe you so rent will only be $89 for this month. So I pays it. Then a week later she said 'guess what?' was I owe $71..I says I'll pay it with the rent check (was in about 2 weeks)...then they start telling me I owe a late fee on the $71 dollar I paid late. I just spent an hour in the office explaining why I didn't feel like I had to pay a late fee on the old managers mistake. She talks to asshole owner and he says do you have that in writing? well fuck he says if you don't have that in writing you have to pay the $11 late charge(don't ask me I don't know how my late fee went from $10 to $11) . So I says:"So....your calling me a liar?"...oh no...Ms Denney, no one's calling you a liar...uh look dumb fucks..any way you look at it, your not taking my word for it..your calling me a liar. Why would some one who has paid their rent every single month on the 3rd and then just decided I'm only paying $89 this month?...I said how about I call Charlotte and have her tell you what happened..she is the one that told me what to pay..I calls Charlotte..she tells them what happen..exactly like I said..I have to leave and go have lunch with Babs..My parting shot was...I'll be back when you guys get your shit I go to check mail and stick head in door and said 'well?'...she said Mike said if you pay the $1 he'll knock off the $10................................................??????fuckme sideways. So it's not the money's the principle..he want's to be right even if it only earns him a fucking Dollar. and...I have to write a check for it cause they don't take cash. So happens I'm out of checks so will get them tomorrow..and I will get a receipt ..and will get one for every rent check I pay from here on out. I could trust Charlotte, but these yankee motherfuckers can't be trusted with anything.
So Goddess, keep me sane..I love my little apartment and don't want to get thrown out for calling them cheap yankee motherfucking assholes.Which is what they I right or what?


  1. Dawn in Texas, anyone that lives more than 50 miles from your home town is a yankee.

  2. I think this is one of those 'teachable moments'. It's been a while since we rented but we too have had a really crappy landlord. The very second we realized that we were dealing with buttheads, we started keeping paperwork. We paid by check so we had receipts. If we needed a repair, we sent the request by mail and kept a copy. Whatever it was we documented the hell out of it. Then, when the crap hit the rotating turbine, we had data to back up our claims and they had nothin'.
    If you have any documentation, use it. If you don't, try talking to a lawyer to see if you have any rights. If not, well, you're keeping receipts so you should be OK moving forward.

    Good luck

  3. I don't know, I always found that a flaming bag of crap on their stoop makes me feel better. :P

  4. yep you were right! And those onion rings are huge!

  5. You are right - absolutely. Now get it all in writing - it will make a lot more work for them.

  6. Time to get everything in writing too... Bet that will annoy 'em.


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