Friday, May 18, 2012

HOLYFUCKME..its' Friday..

 I'm going to spend the weekend cleaning up the shed, the porch and the dining room...................or not..have a fun filled weekend...I love you with all my heart and part of my liver..if I had you in my mouth I'd spit you in the river...patoie..


  1. George Carlin...Red States...and the last favorites. Made my Friday ;-)

  2. Hahahahaha -- Visit Sunny Iran and the Sun Maid Raisin Girl! And I like how it says at the bottom of Mother Jones's photo: "Trying God's Patience" -- go for it!

  3. Share this if someone is alive simply because I didnt want to go jail!
    Have a good weekend!

  4. am i the only person who is sick and tired of sulu?

  5. Loved the George Carlin and Putin holding the phallus.

  6. You made my Friday!!! I thought, I laughed i am going to eat scambled eggs on my porch!! (can't spell) Hey West by Goddess Texas, Hello from T-town Alabama...i am a Huge fan keep up the great work/play :)

  7. You make me laugh,cry and think! No wonder I love you so much!

  8. i would love to acknowledge all the people I steal from ...I promise to make a list of all the places I get them from..I have nooo shame..I'll steal from anyone.

  9. I'm gonna have to start wearing a bra so I can get the enjoyment of taking it off. :P

  10. I have been reading here for quite awhile..This is the funniest post..don't ever quit..I may have a bad day but this makes it all worthwhile..really

  11. Ahh.. I could look at Hermione all day long...



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