Wednesday, May 09, 2012

TO HUMP? OR NOT TO HUMP...that is the question

 how did it get to be Wed. already?...have dr. apt at 10:45 this morning..had sever pain in my left kidney yesterday, could barely stand up straight and the minute I made the apt with Dr. quit hurting. Oh well, I have other issues to discuss with him so it won't be a wasted apt...have a great day y'all.


  1. no humping here...for some reason i thought it was Thursday lol

  2. I'll drink to Game of Thrones.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  3. The Star Treks woke me up this morning. Brilliant.

  4. Thanks for the laughs and stimuli

  5. If a person actually followed the instructions for that Game of Thrones drinking game, he or she would be comatose halfway through any episode.

  6. Classics, one and all! And yes, a funny hat is exactly what atheists need, LOL!

  7. That Doctor of yours really works FAST!!!

    I hope the visit helps you feel all better - everyone want YDG to be feeling her bestest!!

  8. "The U.S. spends more on defense in five minutes than on health care in five years."


    Total defense spending 2010:
    683.7 Billion

    Total health care spending in 2010:

    2.3 trillion

    Actually, the U.S. spends almost four times as much on health care in one year then it does on defense in three years.

    You could check those figures real easy, since you do have the internet.

    But what the hell for? Facts are no fun.

  9. I hope you still told the Doctor about the pain and got a test done. I hope that you are better today!

  10. To hump or not to hump. At my age, Oh, why don't we get drunk OR screw!


thanks for stopping by and saying howdy...Goddess bless your little sweethearts. Please be kind to each other while commenting..don't make me find you like a heat seeking missile and bip you into a coma..if you would like to talk to yellowdog..send to