Friday, July 06, 2012


 She's wearing a Polo tennis outfit..cracked me up.

 this is the grin(along with a loud cackle) when I say gggggggrannie, to her..She likes Elvis, doesn't like Ricky Nelson, likes some of Janis's, and crazy about Neil Diamond..Just like her great aunt Mojo.

this is usually the look right before she say's ...ok, enough with the camera and yells at me.
I'm sorry you guys, I know you are probably up to your eye brows with pictures of Olivia, but I can't help myself.


  1. She sure is growing!! But, babies do that..

    Never apologize for lovin' on that child!

  2. What a cute little tennis outfit! Is she playing at Wimbledon?

  3. Cute overload again!
    Now I have to watch Fox news to correct the overload.

  4. Please don't stop showing her off to us! I love to see how she is growing and changing, she just gets prettier and prettier.

  5. One can never see enough baby pictures....unless.... you are waiting in a grocery line and someone at the counter starts showing the checker all their grandkids pictures.
    It's happened to me and more than once.:0(
    Olivia is a DOLL! (((hugs)))Pat

  6. I agree, never enough pictures of the grand or gg babies...adorable :)

  7. The best Neil Diamond song is "You're so sweet, horseflies keep hanging around your face." For some reason it never got much air play???

  8. You can't even IMAGINE how many pictures I took of DT and the Little Miss! OMG! That was when I wasn't running my ass off...anyway.

    I can't wait to see the pics from your Canada Day at West Haven! I'm so glad the Nanaimo bars were a smash! I still remember my first Nanaimo bar, I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! LOL!

    Olivia is so precious. Look at those chubby little legs and you just want to chew on them! LOL!

  9. It seems like they are this age for only an hour or two.

  10. She's beautiful and growing way to fast!

  11. It's safe to come back, I turned on comment moderation.

  12. Babies aren't my thing - but I'm happy for you.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  13. Never too many pictures of the people in your life.

    Keep on posting 'em!


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