Monday, July 30, 2012


Watching Olympics all the time is giving me weird dreams..I dreamed about a smoking baby named Bong Bong..I kept asking is his name Pong Pong or Bong Bong..and someone would tell me no his name is Bong Bong..????? as in smoking out of a bong?..fuck I don't know but it was one weird dream. I would much rather have been having dreams about nekkid volleyball players, swimmers or gymnasts..
I am loving the Olympics..I am enjoying every minute of it.


  1. Oh too good today. I've heard of a Teva tan's but that's my first Croctan! And the Hooters and the Queen and the dudes posing with the car.

  2. And the Gold Metal for Monday Ha Ha Ha s, goes to YELLOW DOG GRANNY!

  3. A bumper crop of LOLs this morning! I love all the Chick-fil-A ones, Cocks the new restaurant and the Queen's mug shot in particular! I'm enjoying the Olympics so far too.

  4. Like the Clinton one and the Olympics logo. And a bunch of others.

    Haven't watched the Olympics and yesterday's post explains why.

  5. I can't get past the image of nekkid gymnast. I think I would watch that sport.
    the Ol'Buzzard

  6. Now I have a statement to cover the condition of my house!!!

  7. I didn't watch the Olympics, but it must have just been a night for strange dreams. Matthew Perry and I were naked except for a sheet of wax paper which I had wrapped around my torso. I was riding him (no not like that) while he crawled on all fours down 4th Avenue on blistering hot pavement at high noon. We were desperately trying not to be seen and, strangely, succeeding. But he kept bitching that his knees were bleeding.

  8. Great way to start the week!

    Thank you, as always...

  9. i'll have to remember the dip shit deal.

  10. I'm a bit late, but loved your selections JS.


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